Who would babysit you

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Logan: Charles was like a grandfather to you so it was only natural you father left you with Charles. He would teach you anything you what to learn which made it easier for Logan

Charles xavier: He only trusted Jean to look after you. Sh was like a mother figure to you.

Erick: the only person that he could trust with you was Mystique. She would alway entertaining with her shape shifting

Loki his mother would look after you and tell you stories. Of princess and their Prince Charming.

Victor doom he trusted no one so out near left his side. Unless he was coursing doom on the city he have a robot mAid look after you.

Jean she would let kitty look after you. She would alway play dress up with you and take pics for you mum.

Susan Ben babysits you last time she left you with Reed or Jonny you got hurt or experimented on.

Wanda Maximoff her bother when she not around he would put you on his back and race around the world.

Maria Hill Coulson looked after you if his was not on a mission. He would alway tell you story of captain.

rogue she would alway leave you with Bobby as he alway goofs of and makes I sculptures for you.

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