What sport you play/ active you join

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Logan: you played football you were the on girl on you team.

Charles xavier: You play  tennis you even won the junior division 3 time in a row.

Erick: you joined the swimming team. You have won first play 4 times in a row for the junior division.

Loki your a princess so you had to dance allot at parties so you joined the ballroom dancing club.

Victor doom your dad sign you up for show jumping. Ever since
The you live practices get with your horse .

Jean  you are a cheerleader

Susan you play golf in the junior division you one fist place 2 time in a row

Wanda Maximoff you were on the judo team.

Maria Hill you are in kickboxing class every year you group wins.

rogue you love playing hockey

Mystique you are on the volleyball team

human torch you play baseball

Spider-Man you join  the school newspaper club.

Tony you going the  science club.

Steve you where the pitcher of you baseball team your dad love going to every game and would help you practice at home.

Bruce like tony daughter you jion the science club. Both your dad And Tony got you and T/d science sister jackets.

Thor  wrestling team. Be the daughter for Thor no one cloud be you.

Vision you love the water so you join the diving team

Clint your were like you dad you joined the archary club

Natasha you were the head ballet dancer .your mum was so proud of you

Pietro you and b/n joined track.

Coulson your on the cycle track team

Bucky you play soccer. You dad, Steve and s/d come to every game to cheer for you

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