Chapter 2

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Brandon's Pov.

I sit there for a minute and glare at Travis.
" Look who I found."
" Put me down Travis."
" And why should I do that?"
" Ummm...."
" Exactly. Guys hold him."
The rest of his goons come and hold me up against the wall and Travis goes over to Vikk.
" No, No, No, Travis get you butt over here! Do not touch him."
" Wow, you do care for him, I thought it was an act."
I saw Lachlan, Rob, Preston, Mitch, and Jerome, just sat there not knowing what to do.
And Vikk was hiding under the table.
" Why would I fake the fact that Vikk is my Brother. Vikk is my brother you here me."
" You know what... We are just going to take Brandon today....I have something special for you..."
I struggle to get out of the grasps of Travis's goons, but that ended up with a punch to the gut.
" Owww."
" Fight against it again I will to it to Vikk."
" No..."
" Then don't move."
I bowed my head and stood still, then I felt my hands being pulled behind my back and I heard a click.
And I felt my glasses being removed.
" No I can't see. I need my glasses."
" I know that is why we do it..."
I felt another punch to the gut and I fell to the ground. I got kick in the gut, leg and I very hard punch to the head and that made me dazed.
" You guys better back off of him or I will do it to you."
I new that voice from somewhere, but my brain was too fuzzy, and my vision was blurry.
" Yo Pete, you...."
That was the last thing I heard and I passed out. 

I woke up and I had a massive head ache and my vision was still blurry.
" Hello, anyone there?"
( V: Vikk, L: Lachlan, B: Brandon, P: Preston, R: Rob, M: Mitch, J: Jerome, N: Nurse, )
V: Oh my gosh, Pete you are okay.
I sat up and I felt Vikk engulf me into a hug.
B: Yes I am okay, Can I know what happened, and where are my glasses?"
N: The blow to the head was really bad Brandon, and they just getting punch multiple times, was not helping either.
B: Okay, glasses.
P: They broke them.
B: WHAT. oh come on Travis that is like the Fifth pair you broke.
V: Yea sorry Pete.
L: Do you have another pair?
B: No, and I don't have enough money to buy another pair.
M: Shouldn't your parents buy them.
B: Did I say I, I meant we. I help pay, we are pretty poor. I am going to be blind for a little while now.
J: I will gladly help you Petey.
B: Thanks Jerome. And Petey?
J: Preston started to call you Peter while you were asleep.
B: I like it.
J: And how can you tell us apart.
B: Oh, I train my self to recognizes peoples voices, when I was like 10, in case somethin like this happened.
N: Nice going Brandon. Now take these.
I swallow the pills and I lean back against the wall and then I remember something.
B: Who helped me, I know the voice, I just couldn't remember the who is was.
" haha, Brandon it is Matt."
( Ma: Matt )
B: What?
I freeze and try not to blush, Vikk knows I have a liking for him and I am pretty good at hiding it, but he just saved me. How am I suppose to act.
Ma: I wanted to beat the crap out of Travis for doing that to you. But you passed out and so I undid the cuffs and carried you to the nurses room.
B: Ummm, Thanks.
Ma: No problem.
I hear the door close and a few foot steps leave the room.
B: who left?
V: Matt and The Nurse.
B: Oh.
M: Petey, dose some one have a crush on Matt.
B: What.....
V: Yes he dose.
B: Vikk, come on.
J: Wow, I see why. Oww, come on Mitch, you are my one and only.
M: Stap you make me blush.
B: I have a question, how long have you guys know each other?
P: since forever. We may been in school, but we moved in together.
V: That is cool. I mean I live with my parents still. Only child is fun.
B: I love your parents, they are supper kind.
V: Thanks Vikk, why haven't I met your yet.
I cringe a little bit, I didn't want to say my mom was dead but I will tell them the trust, well at least a little bit.
B: My mother died giving birth to me...
P: I am sorry Peter.
B: It is fine.
V: I still don't understand why you don't let me mean your dad.
B: Drug addict.
M: I am sorry, 
B: It is fine, I learned to live with it.
V: Well do you all want to come to my house? We can learn more about each other.
L: Sounds fun Vikky.
B: I need to ask my dad. I walk home so I will meet you at Vikk's house. 
R: Okay, well school is still in of about a half and hour.
B: I can't see, so how can I learn?
P: The nurse said we could just stay here until, the bell rang.
B: Oh okay.
I lay down on the bed and close my eyes.
I feel some one standing next to me and I open my eyes to see the blurry line of Vikk.
V: I am sorry Pete.
B: There is nothing to be sorry about Vikk.
V: Yes, I didn't help.
I reach out my arms and I grab his hands and pull him close. I lay back down and he lays down with me.
B: There is not need to be sorry, I am fine Vikky, I was protecting you, and I am happy it was me and not you.
V: But...
B: No Vikky, I am here to protect you and I always will. okay bro.
V: Okay,
L: Are you sure you guys are not dating,
B: No I promise, I love Vikk like my brother.
V: Yep, Pete is my little brother.
B: No shorty.
V: I am older than you.
B: Okay, okay.
I feel Vikk push his tiny body closer to mine and I put my arms round him. And close my eyes again. 

{Editting} Can I Be Loved?  (A NoochZahHutt FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now