Chapter 7

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Brandon's Pov:

I wake up and I sit up and lean again the wall, I think I was still in the nurse's office, because the bed was small.
" Pete, you are awake!"
" Why is that a surprise Preston?"
" You have been out of half the day."
" Oh.."
I hear the door open and I hear my dad's voice.
" What happened son?"
I tense up and move to the corner.
" Can you guys leave, I want to talk to my son."
I hear the door open and close and I know I am allow with my dad.
" You worthless piece of crap you couldn't even handle that, you are weak and worthless son. I had to come here, I didn't want to, I don't care in you die. I never wanted you. You are crap, and useless, a bad son, an awful person. You are also weak."
I sit there and cry. I have hear all of these word before but they still hurt.
" You killed your mother, and you don't listen to me, you disobey me constantly. These friends of your, you don't deserve them."
" Please stop I have had enough."
" I get to say when you have had enough."
And with that he walks over to me and slaps me and walks out of the room. I curl up into a ball and cry. I stay like that for a while, and when I feel a hand on my shoulder I freak out.
" No, No, stay away."
I get up and walk to the corner of the room. and hit there.
" Brandon, are you okay."
" Yea, you just scared me."
" Okay well I have something for you Brandon."
" What is it Matt?"
" Can you come here?"
I stand back up and I walk slowly back to the bed. and I sit on it.
" Okay, are you ready?"
" Yes."
I feel his lips on mine for a few seconds then I feel the sunglasses being removed and some thing else replace them. I open my eyes and I could see.
" You didn't Matt."
" I got you new glasses."
" I can't take these."
" Yes you can, they are a gift from me Princess."
" Did you just call me Princess Matt."
" Crap, sorry."
" No I like it Love."
He smiles and I was able to see it, I jump off the bed and I throw my arms around him and kiss him.
" Thank you, thank you."
" Anything for you. Do you want to see the others?"
" Are you seriously asking me this, wait I want to see how bad I actually look."
" Okay bathroom first."
we walk to the bath room hand in hand, and once I set in front of the mirror I gasp. The nurse was right I lost about 50 lbs. made even more. I was covered in black and blue. With out thinking I take off my hoodie and I look at my chest and my new cuts.
" You cut?"
Crap I put my hoodie back on 
" Brandon, why do you cut."
" I am sorry, I shouldn't have done it any was I promised Vikk."
" Well then you need to tell him. And you need to tell us why you are covered in black in blue."
" I know."
" Then lets go."
" Wait you don't think I am stupid."
" No Princess, I think you are beautiful."
I blush and look at the ground.
I feel Matt put his hand under my chin and he lifts it up and I look into his eyes and he looks into mine. he leaned forward and I meet him in the middle and we kiss. I melt into in and Matt pulls me closer. After a while we pull apart and we smile.
" I am glad to see you smile, your blue eyes sparkly when you are happy. And I am happy to see them again."
" Love you are making me blush."
" I know and you look wonderful."
" Stap."
He laughs and he puts his arm around my should and we walk out of the bathroom, and to the lunch room.
When we get there Matt gets his food and I wait there for him, then we go find our table, and I don't like what I see when I get there.
Travis Had Vikk and Lachlan together in the corner, Preston, Rob, Mitch and Jerome, we also pinned to the wall. I hear Vikk's and I snap, and ran over there.
" Let them go Travis!"
" Look I think we found Brandon."
He turns around and he looks at me and his eyes go wide and he laughs.
" Wow someone got a beaten."
" Yay and I am going to give one to you if you do not let them go!"
" You can't do anything."
He points at me and his goons come and grab my arms. I fight and I was able to get my arm free and I punch them and the fell to the groung in shock and I pull travis off of Vikk and Lachlan And push him against the wall. Travis hit me in the gut, and I don't move I just hit him back five times harder, and I hear a snap, but I didn't care.
" I told you to stay off of them, you can do what ever you want to me, BUT DO NOT TOUCH THEM."
I let go of Travis and I turn around, Matt comes up from behind me and Travis and his goons run off and I after looking over everyone I see Vikk on the ground crying, and Lachlan trying to calm him down. I run over there and they rest of them follow. I pick up Vikk and Place him in my lap.
" Did they hurt you Vikk?"
He nods and he looks up at me and I see a nice new black eye.
" Anywhere else?"
" No."
" Okay."
I hug him and I stand up and I feel pain in my hand, but I co make sure that the others are okay, they all were okay, there heads just hurt from the impact of the wall. We all sit at the table and I put my hands out in front of me and lay my head down on the table.
( V: Vikk, L: Lachlan, M: Mitch, J: Jerome, R: Rob, P: Preston, Ma: Matt, B: Brandon )
V: Thanks Pete.
B: Anything for your guys.
Ma: I think you broke your hand Princess.
B: I know but I don't care."
R: Princess?
B: Nickname, I call him Love.
P: That is cute.
J: Did no one notice that Brandon had glasses?
M: really. Wait how many figures and I holding up?
B: 5
M: You really can see.
V: Wait how did you get the glasses?
B: Matt.
Ma: I also got contacts.
B: I think I might need to start wearing those.
V: I agree you can't break them.
Ma: They are in my locker. I will show you how to put them in after lunch.
B: Thanks Love.
we talk until the bell rings and I put the contacts in, it felt weird for a while but I got use to it. I was just happy to see again.

{Editting} Can I Be Loved?  (A NoochZahHutt FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora