Chapter 37

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Brandon's Pov:

The guys all head home and Matt gives me my pill and I fall asleep in his arms.

~~Time Skip~~

I wake up and I see that Matt is still asleep, I move around a little bit and his grip tightens.

"Love, come one wake up."
"No, I sleep."
" We have school and I would like to go today."
" But, I want sleep."

I smile and shake my head, I turn around and give Matt a kiss on the forehead. He try's to give me a kiss on the lips but I move.

"Princess what was that for?"
" You get up I will give you a kiss."
" Fine."

Matt lets go of me and I sit up, he dose the same. He leans in to give me a kiss and this time I let him. I feel him smile thought the kiss and, then he moves to my neck again and leaves a love mark on my sweet spot again.

"I am going to have to hide this now!"

I yell at him when we part.

"But why? It just tells people you are mine."
"You are a stinker."
" You love me anyways."
" And that is true."

Matt stands up and picks me up and carries me into the kitchen, we have a quick breakfast and Matt get dressed first then, I get dressed. I put on a pair of black jeans and I steal on of Matt's hoodies and put it one, I also make my way to the bathroom to try and cover the love mark but fail horribly, so I do my best to hide it with the hoodie.

I hear the door open and I see Matt walk in with my crutches. He smiles when he sees me.

"You little thief."
" But I love your hoodies, they are warm and they smell like you."
" You look adorable in it."

I blush and Matt smirk as he picks me up and carries me down the stairs and sets me in his car. He drives to school and I go to jump out but Matt holds my head and shakes him head no. So I wait till he comes and opens the door and helps me out then he gives me my crutches.

"You didn't hide the love bit."

I blush and move my hand to my neck covering it. Matt laughs and removes my hand and kisses the spot.

" You don't need to hide it."

Matt smiles and we make our way to the others. The see us and smile, then they start laughing.

(V: Vikk, L: Lachlan, P: Preston, R: Rob, N: Matt, B: Brandon, J: Jerome, M: Mitch)

B: What are you guys laughing at?
P: You know the love bit on your neck is really seeable?
B: Yes I know that, but I couldn't cover it up...
V: Wow, that is bad Petey...You will need to learn.
B: I hate you guys.
N: I love you to Princess.
B: I hate you the most.
N: No you don't

I don't reply and I sit down and look away from everyone.

M: Aww, it the little Petey mad?
L: I think he is.

I don't say anything.

R: Silent treatment.
N: Princess what are you doing?

I say nothing once again and I hear a few snickers.

J: Yep, the silent treatment.
N: Come on Princess.

I just look at his then flip my head the other way.

N: So you want to play that way?

I say nothing but I feel two arms go around my waist and pick me up. The next thing I next I way draped over Matt's shoulder.

B: Hey, love put me down.
N: No.
B: Please?
N: No,

I let out a sigh and I feel the hoodie go over my face but I was to lazy too fix it.

V: Petey I think that hoodie is to big.
B: It is Matt, of course it is.
P: So you are stilling his close now?
B: Just the hoodie.
N: He says it smells like me.
B: It does!

Everyone laughs and I just fold my arms, not able to see anything thought then hoodie, glad I have my contacts in instead of my glasses.

R: Pete can you see anything?
B: No...
N: Is the hoodie really covering his face?
M: Yes,
N: So what do you see?
B: Red and Black, the colors of your hoodie.
L: I am sorry, but Pete you look funny.
B: Thanks, I am upside down this a hoodie covering my face, how is this not funny?

the others break out laughing again and I even laugh a little bit.

B: Love can you put me down now please?
N: Fine.

He sets me back onto the chair and I pull the hoodie back down, so I could see.

B: Yay, I can see!
J: Silly.
B: Thanks it is my specialty.
M: Wow, you are silly.
B: I know I am and thank you.

The bell rings and Matt hands me my crutches and we start making our way to class. First is the early collage English with Vikk and Preston. We make it into the class and everyone looks at me.

"Glad to see that you are okay Brandon."
" Thanks."

Preston and Vikk help me make my way over to my seat and on the way up there, I heard people saying thing: "He is a freak." "Did you know that he has multiple personalities?" " He almost kill his friends." "His is a sad excuse for a human." "Is he an Anorexic he is to thin to be healthy."

I feel tears start something but I hold them back, I look over to see Preston and Vikk, looking at me.

"Don't listen to them, you are a brilliant person."
" Thanks Preston."

The class starts and the first think the teacher asked was a question, I was the first to answer it/the only one to raise their hand. I got it right Vikk and Preston looked at me.

"I didn't even know the answer and we have been here the hole time." Vikk asks
" I was always in the library, just reading."
" That explains it." Preston replies

The rest of the day was people whispering bad thinks about me, I knew that the others hear it and they told me to ignore it, I did but it hurt that people actually thought of me like that...

{Editting} Can I Be Loved?  (A NoochZahHutt FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now