Chapter 9

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Matt's Pov:

We run after Brandon but after a while we loose him and we sit down out of breath.
( V: Vikk, N: Matt, L: Lachlan, J: Jerome, M: Mitch, R: Rob, P: Preston )
N: Why dose Brandon think of him self like that?
V: Brandon and I have been bullied since as long as we could remember, and he took most of it because as you guys saw yesterday, he will not let them touch me. He will even make me run while he get beaten and called names.
L: That is brave of him to do.
N: Yes, but it broke him.
P: Please don't mind me asking but do you have scars to?
V: Yes
L: Can we see.
Vikk rolls up his hoodie sleeves and we see scars up and down his arms, I see a tear roll down Vikk face.
V: We made a promise, He would not cut if I didn't cut, and I would not cut if he didn't.  Before we made that promise I would cut every day. Once we made that promise the bullies got to me and I almost killed myself. In fact, I was at the bridge ready to jump off, but I hear Brandon call my name and he pulled me off, of the ledge. And I cried into his shirt.
L: I am sorry Vikky.
V: Thanks Lachy.
N: Do you think Brandon would do anything like that?
I love Brandon with all my heart and I would die if anything bad happened to him.
V: I don't think so.
R: Well we should start looking for him
N: Agreed

Brandon's Pov:

" What do you want?"
" To teach you a lesson. Grab him"
I got tackled to the ground and I go to scream, but once my mouth was open Travis shoves a Ball Gag into my mouth and locks in tight around my head. I struggle to stand up but Travis's goon sits on me and eventually I give up. I watch Travis attach two chains to the ceiling. When he is done the goon gets off of me and picks me up. Travis grabs my right hand and puts a type of cuff on my hand. It covers my hand and it goes down past my wrist a little bit, he does it to both hands and the goon lets go of me. I am now hanging about a foot above the ground.
" All done, you may go know and I will give you money when I am done here."
The goon walk out of the room and I glare at Travis. he laughs and he walks over to me and slaps my face.
" You do not hit me. It is my job to hit you."
He then hits me a few times and then makes sure that the cuffs and the gag is locked. Then sets the keys down on the table
" They keys are here, if someone finds you, they can let you go. Oh have fun, your arms are going to start to hurt." he laughs and walks out of the room closing the door. I start to cry, I am going to be here for a while.

{Editting} Can I Be Loved?  (A NoochZahHutt FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now