Chapter 59 (Sad)

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Brandon's Pov:

~~Five Years Latter~~

It has been five years since we graduated high school, five years since I met Matt and the Pack beside Vikk. Three years ago Matt proposed to me and I said yes. We where happy and we had two children, A girl named Erika, and a boy named Ethan. Erika was my little sweet heart, we adopted her at 2 and she is now 8, Ethan was a little silly kid but he was kind hearted and sweet, he was 10 when we adopted him. Ethan always looked out for Erika and made sure she was okay, and when see started to cry he would run and find me or Matt. He hated seeing here sad. He was an overprotective brother.

When Erika started school he walked her into class and was there every day to pick here up to bring her out to the car. When she started third grade she started to get bullied and man Ethan got made. He may have gotten in school suspension for hitting the kid that was bulling her. But she doesn't get bullied at all. And Ethan still went to her classroom to get her before walking outside to the car. I loved how much they loved each other. And Matt and Myself loved them both to death.

Every Thursday night we went out to dinner and we went to either a drive in movie theater or an indoor one. That was the day we all looked forward to. That was our family day. If it the weather was no bad to drive, I made a nice dinner and we then gather on the couch and watch a movie on Netflix. Those where the best days of the week.

Vikk and Lachlan got Married, so did Preston and Rob, and as you guess Jerome and Mitch. Erika and Ethan know them as there uncles, even though they call Preston, Vikk and Mitch there aunts. We laughed when they asked if they could call them that. They guys also have children. Vikk and Lachlan have one girl. Preston and Rob have two boys. Jerome and Mitch have one boy.

Vikk and Lachlan got there girl right from the hospital and they named her, Cindy. She is so small but see looks like Vikk but with Lachlan's eyes and a bit of lighter hair than Vikk. Preston and Robs boys names are Isaac and Ian. Isaac is the oldest, he is 10. Ian is 5 and is the most kind hearted boy you will ever meet. Mitch and Jerome's little girl is 8 years old and her name is Jacey, She is such a sweet girl and see loves to draw and she is amazing at it. They all go to the same school along with Erika and Ethan. From Youngest to oldest it goes Ethan, Isaac, Jacey, Erika, Ian then little Cindy.

We where all happy till on fate full day.....We where all at my house handing out playing and coloring. we where laughing and smiling until the door bust open. There standing was an old man. And it was my father.....There were three other men with him and he pushed us all into the basement. He put all of the kids besides Ethan and Isaac in a little animal pen. None of the children where tall enough to get out. Ethan and Isaac's hands where bound behind there backs and they where pushed to there knees. We all ran to our children but the men stood in front of us. My dad chained me to the ceiling and the others where tied to a chair. All of the kids where crying and Isaac and Ethan where trying to figure out what was going on. No on moved until we hear a gun shot......we looked at Isaac and he was leaning on Ethan with blood gushing out of his head. Preston broke down and Rob was in shock. Ethan was crying and so where the others, where were all crying. my dad put the gun on Ethan's head and I shook my head and tried to get out on the chains, but by dad pulled the trigger and Ethan fell to the ground. They went over to all of the child one by one and shot them. The last two that where still alive where Ian and Cindy. Cindy was in Ian's arms and Cindy was screaming. One of the men took her out of Ian's hands just as he was shot. All that left was Cindy. My dad took her from the others hand and shot her, then dropped here on the others. Our children where dead and we watched it.

"That was fun!" My dad said with a bright smile on his face. He then walked over to Preston and pulled out a knife....

Before any one said anything in was in Preston's heart and blood was running down his chest. He looked at all of us before looking at Rob.

"I love you Rob..." And that was the last thing he said before he went slack in his chair. Rob scream and screamed as the men took him out of the chair and threw him next to the children.

My dad then walked over to Mitch with a gun in his hand. He was shot in the gut, shoulder, lungs, shin, and then it was aimed at his heart, and before my dad pulled the trigger...."I love you all, I love you Biggums and I always will no matter where." Then the trigger was pulled and Mitch fell dead. Jerome sat there crying, and screaming. Mitch was dragged next to Preston....

We then walk over to Lachlan, Vikk already had tears in his eyes and so did Lachlan. My dad had a knife in his hand a long with rope. He tied a rope loosely around Lachlan's neck and he then tied it around the beam of the ceiling. He put the knife against Lachlan's right eye and carved it out. Lachlan screamed. Then my dad did it to his left. When he was done he put the eyes in Vikk's hands, before tying a black cloth around Lachlan's head.....Vikk was looking at Lachlan's eyes and crying his eyes out. My dad then took the knife and pushed it against Lachlan's neck. "My Star, my shining star....I love you forever and always...." Then my dad slit him neck killing him. Lachlan was then dragged next to the others.

My dad left the eyes in Vikk's hands and he then walked over to Matt.

"It is Brandon's Prince, they one that fixed him. The one that destroyed all of my work. You have witness me killing the others lovers now watch as I kill yours." My dad states and he pushes his knife into Matt's gut. I screamed and had tears running down my face. My dad pulled out the knife with a smirk and he then put it in his shoulder and pulling it up. He did it to his other shoulder. Before putting it against Matt's head. : Remember Princess, You are beautiful and kinds. And I will love you for eternity...." The knife then went though Matt's skull and he died. Matt was then thrown over the others.

I closed my eyes and cried. It had to be a dream right? No, my children, Neisse and Nephews are dead. There are four of us left.....

I heard a cry of pain and I opened my eyes just in time to see a knife in Rob's shoulder and the gun against his head pulled. My dad then walked over to Jerome and put the knife in his leg then put a bullet in his head. Two off the men then Threw Rob and Jerome into the death pile then he walked over to Vikk, he took the eyes out of his hands and put them in front of his face.

"You lover is watching you.....oh wait he is dead!" My dad put the gun against Vikk's skull right when the door opened and police can flooding in.

"Put the gun down, or we will shot."

My dad just smiled and pulled the trigger killing Vikk. The police shot there guns and killed my father along with the three other men.

I sat there and cried. Some one un locked my chains and I put my hands around his neck. my arms where then pulled behind my back and cuff. I screamed and screamed and they took me to a mental hospital.

That happened a year ago, and I am stuck in a mental hospital. Charlie takes control often and destroys every thing he touches. When I am in control I try and over dose on pills but there is some one there that takes them away. I have tried over 500 times to kill myself, but nothing some one his always there to pull me from the edge of the building, take the pills out of my hand, take the gun, take the blade. They say that everything will be fine at that I will be alright. They are just liars, I will not be okay. I watched my father kill my family! How will you every be okay after that? NEVER! I may have a messy room and I may have gone insane. But I don't care I just want to be with my family!

I was able to sneak off for once and I went to the roof and I stood on the ledge. I heard the door open and I jumped a saw a hand try to grab me but I was to far. I closed my eyes and smiled.....I will be with my family now.....


Okay so I was crying writing this part.....Like balling! It hurt so much writing this but it had to happen. Please don't hate me!

I bet you all think that is going to be the end.....Don't worry, it is not the end, that was just the sad ending. The next chapter I post will be a happy ending, no tears. It will be out in about a day. And it will be fluff nothing but fluff and happiness. And butterflies and rain bows.

Sorry that I broke all of your hearts. I broke my as well....

{Editting} Can I Be Loved?  (A NoochZahHutt FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now