Chapter 44

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Lachlan's Pov:

Vikk and I go to walk our different ways, but I pull him back and rap my arms around him.

"I love you my Star."

He blushes and I plant a kiss on his lips, he kisses my back immediately. I pull away, and I smile down at my Star.

"Lachy why do you call me that?"

I smile and kiss his forehead.

"I call you that because Star shin bright and they lead you though the darkness. You are the light to my darkness, and I don't know how I would find my way with out you. "

He blushes and I smile.

"I love you Lachy, and I am very happy that you are mine."
" I love you to Star and I am glad you are mine."

I kiss his head again and we separate to go to our classes.

I am going to as his to Homecoming, and I have an Idea on how to.

Jerome's Pov:

We walk away from the nurses office hand in hand, we turn down the hallway to go to our separate classes, he starts to walk away but I grab him and pin him to the wall and then pinning his hand above his head.

"Biggums what are you doing?"

I smile and then I kiss him sweetly, he does the same. After a little while we part and he looks up at me with those wonderful brown eyes. I place my forehead against his and he smiles.

"Do you understand why I did it now?"
" Yes.."
" Good. I love you Biggums."
" I love you to, and can I be let go now?"

I smile and I shake my head no.

" But we need to get to class....." He whines

I smile and I kiss him on the check and then I go to his neck and bit down on his sweet spot. He yelps and I start to kiss and suck on the spot which makes him moan.

"Jerome....Please....we need to class."

I bit down again and he lets out a cry, but I lift my head up and let go of his hands and I still stand in front of him.

"I know he have class, I just don't want to go. And you where going to leave with out saying goodbye."

He lets out a sigh and wraps his arms around my neck, and pulls him self close. I wrap my arms around his middle and I pull him closer. He lays his head on my chest and lets out a sigh.

"I am sorry Biggums, but we need to get to class."

I let out a growl and I kiss the top of his head.

" I love you Biggums."
" I love you to Mitchy."

He walks off and I smile.

Can't wait to ask him to Homecoming

Rob's Pov:

My self and Preston walk down the hallway to go to our next class, hand in hand.

I stop and I turn him around to face me.

"Hello, baby."
" Hi, Daddy."

I snake my arms around his waist and I pull him close to me. He puts his arms around my neck.

" I love you, I love you very much."
" I love you to Robby."

I smile and I kiss his head and he smiles, I then kiss him on the lips. He smiles and he starts to kiss back. After was felt like hours of heaven, we pull apart and he leans his head on my chest.

"You heart, beat. I love it. I love you more, and that wonderful, kind and generous heart." Preston states.

My smile widens and I kiss his head again.

"Thank you baby. And I love you, and that big and open heart."

He blushed and hides his head, into my chest. I lift him off of me, and I smile down at him..

"You are beautiful when you blush."

He smiles and blushes again.

"Thank you Robby."
" Anything for my baby."

He smiles and I kiss him once more before we separate and make our way to out classes.

I am going to ask my little Lava P to the Homecoming dance.

Matt's Pov:

We get back home and I carefully carry Brandon back into the house, I lay him on our bed and take off his shoes and socks/ I also take off his hoodie, He had a shirt under it, so he is not so hot. I take of my shoes and socks and then I lay down next to him and throw the covers over us. I pull him close to me and wrap my arms around his waist. I lay my head on the pillow and I smile softly.

I am going to ask him to the homecoming, and I am going to help him thought this. I will never leave him.

After a while of thinking to myself I go to sleep to.

~~Dream World~~

I sit up on my bed and I look around the room. I look down to see if Brandon was still asleep, but we was not there. I stand up and I stand in something wet. I lift up my foot and touch the bottom of it, I pull my hand back to see my figures covered in blood.

My eyes go huge as I see a trail of blood, I run out of my room and I follow the blood trail. It goes into the kitchen and when I open the door I let out a scream. I see Brandon with a two gaping holds in his chest that are covered in blood, then the bloody knife was in his hand. I kneel down next to him and I pick him up and put him in my lap, I move his hair out of his face and I fell the tears coming down my face.

"Please, Princess, please....Please don't be dead!" I put my hand over his bloody neck to see if there was a pulse, there was not one. I put him back on the ground, my heart shatters. He is dead, what did I do wrong? Why? Why did he leave? Why did he leave me? I cover my face with my bloody hands and I cry, I just cry....

~~End of Dream~~

I wake up with a start and I cover my face with my hands, I start to calm down and I uncover my face. I look down to see if Brandon was there, he was not. I freak out again and I jump out of bed and run to go find him. I enter the kitchen and I see blood every where. No please, I though it was a dream...I walk around the table and I see Brandon on the floor with two gaping holes in his stomach, with a bloody knife in his hand. I fall to my knees.

"No, No, No, I thought it was a dream, please say it was a dream, I can't loose you."

I pull the my blood covered boyfriend into my lap and I feel around his neck to try and find a pulse, I find nothing. I call 911 with tears running down my face.

"Hello this is the 911 operator, how may I help you?"
" My boyfriends just committed suicide."
" Okay, We will be there as fast as we can."

I hang up the phone and I hear the door open.

"guys you in here?" I hear Vikk ask.

I hold back a sob as I yell "In the Kitchen."

They all walk in and they freeze when the see the blood and then Brandon covered in blood in my arms,

I see tears running down everyone's face.

"Please, tell me is didn't, this is not happening!" Vikk cries and Lachlan pulls him into a hug.

Mitch hides hid face into Jerome's shirt and Jerome holds him tight. Rob pulls Preston close as they both cry, but Rob was trying to calm everyone down. I had tears streaming down my face and I hear the door open again. The Meds come running in......

~~Dream world end~~

I bold up in my bed and I look down to see a very worried Brandon next to me, I start to cry and he holds me close.

It was just a dream.....

{Editting} Can I Be Loved?  (A NoochZahHutt FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now