Chapter 57

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Brandon's Pov:

Homecoming was amazing, and I had so much fun! Well after it was done we all went back to Matt's house and we all changed into some pajama pants and shirts. Then we all gathered in the Living Room and turned on a movie. I was having a great time till Charlie desisted to talk.

(Charlie,Brandon in mind) (This hole conversation is in Brandon's head)

You look to happy, you don't deserver to be happy. You know that. Murder!

I roll my eyes and ignore him.

Awww, come on 'Princess' don't ignore me.

Don't you ever call me that again.

I got you to talk to me.

I don't say anything.

You cant ignore me forever Brandon Hutt!

Watch me.

No you Idiotic stupid excuse for a human!

Those words actually hurt, why was that. And I think Charlie knew it because he threw more insults.

Aww, did I hurt the poor, weak baby feelings? I hope I did because you don't deserve to be happy. You should be getting those beating from your dad, you deserve them from killing your mother, and being a bad son.


Yes, Brandon, and you know it is true. Idiot.

I am not an idiot you are. I am smart.

Yea, a lazy. Not smart. You are one of the most dumbest people I know. Because you are dumb for not realizing a long time ago that you don't deserve these friends and boyfriend of yours.

No, now Shut Up!

Oh, such strong words to come out of that innocent and unneeded mouth of yours.

That is nothing.

You don't swear Brandon, I know this. And that is stupid it proves just how weak you are.

No, it shows that I can still stand up for the things I believe in.

You are just a weakling a fat, ugly, stupid weakling.


I am going to stop you there. Yes, you should just go kill yourself, none of these people care about you. They all hate you and they would rather see you dead.

I jump out of Matt's lap and I grab my head. (Brandon is going to say everything out loud now)

"Shut up, Shut up."

See they are all looking at you like you are crazy. They hate you, they think you are a waste of space.

"No, now stop it."

But I am right and you know it, they hate you.

"They hate me? No! They love me!"

How could they love someone like you. You are messed up. Your own Parents never loved up. I bet your mom if she lived. She would hate you.

I have tears running down my face and I fall to my knees and cry into my hand.

"You are wrong! They love me, and my mother would have.....loved me....."

You hesitated you think that she would hate you to! Haha, pathetic. Your so called 'Friends' hate your guts and you should now this! Now wait you are stupid!

"Charlie SHUT UP! You are a lier and I don't......"

WHY don't you SHUT UP! And let me take over!

"That is not going to happen!"

oh, Brandon, Brandon, Brandon. You are to weak.....

"No, Charlie I am not to weak. I am strong! I am to smart, I am getting my Associates degree when I graduate High school. My friends do love me because them show me. And they know I love them back to death. My Mother never saw me and I never new my mother, so you no right to say that she would hate me! Now Charlie why don't you do me a favor and stay buried in the back of my mind. Because I am not the one that is useless you are and you are the bully that has the heart made of pure darkness!"

I was expecting some smart-alecky remake up I got nothing, it was silent. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to meet the eyes of Matt, and he looked very proud.

I threw my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I knew we could fix your confidence. You just needed some help. I am very proud of you Princess." Matt states as he kisses my head.

I look up at him and smile.

"Thank you Love. I didn't like I would ever have it in my to defend myself With such low self-esteem.

"But that is the thing. You just proved that your confidence has increased. You stood up to Charlie."

My eyes go big and I smile even bigger.

"I did, didn't I. I actually did it! I can't believe it!"

Matt looks down at me and smiles brightly.

"I knew that you could do it. Because I always believed in you Princess. I never one doubted that you could do it. Because you are strong."

I blush and look at Matt's chest. I feel Matt's figures go under my chin and he lifts up my head and I meet his lips.

When we part I smile and hug Matt.

"I love you my Princess."

"I love you my Princes and thank you for saveing me."

I look up at Matt to see him blush and I smile and kiss his cheek before he picks me up and sits back down on the sofa.

I look too see the others smiling and I smile back.

Made I will win this war inside I just need to trust that others can help me. I don't have to be strong on my own.

{Editting} Can I Be Loved?  (A NoochZahHutt FanFic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant