Chapter 16

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Brandon's Pov:

I wake up and I try to sit up but I can't. I look up at my hands and I see them handcuffed to the headboard. I look around my room to see if my father was in the room, but he wasn't.
I sit there for a little bit thinking that someone broke into the house, but then my dad walked into my room.

" So you are finally awake 'Princess'."

I stare at him and he walks close to me.

" Doesn't that boy call you Princess"
He states glaring at me.
" I...I don't know what you are talking about."


" Don't give me your bull, I saw you last night kissing that boy."

" Yes, he calls me Princess, and he is my boyfriend."

" Well this is going to be fun; I have another reason to hurt you."
He states smiling.
He walks close to me and I start to pull against the handcuffs and I start yelling. When my dad gets close enough he shoves a ball gag into my mouth and pulls it tight around my head, then locks it in place. So I just sit there looking at him, terrified.
He smiles at his and removes my hands from the headboard then pulling them together behind my back. He then pushes me back on to the bed and leaves.

He comes back about an hour latter, holding a knife.

" You are going to do as I say, or I will kill you then I will go kill your friends."

I just nod, and I feel the tears leaking down my face. He pulls me up and we walk down the stairs. When we get there I see a set of chains in the middle of the room just hanging there. It reminds me of what Travis did to me. expect these cuff down down to my elbow, my dad pushed me over to them. And he puts the knife against my neck.

" I am going to undo the handcuff and you are going to stand there. Understood."

I nod and I stand there as he takes off the cuffs. He throws them across the room then he grabs a hold of my neck.  

" No son of mine is going to be gay."
he states and he brings the arms cuffs around my arms and fingers. When he is done my arms are held above my head but I am standing up.
" You are not leaving here for a long time; Get use to your new bedroom."
He laughs and he walks out of the door and I sit there crying.

Matt's Pov:

I pull up to Brandon's house and I walk up to the door and I knock. And his father answers
" May I help you?"
" Is Brandon here."
" No I think he already left for school."
" Okay thanks."
I turn around and I walk back to my truck and driver to the school.

I arrive at the school and I go find the others. When I do I run over over to them hoping to see Brandon but I don't.
( N: Matt, V: Vikk, L: Lachlan, P: Preston, R: Rob, M: Mitch, J: Jerome)
N: Where is Brandon?
L: I don't know I though he was with you.
V: You stopped by his house?
N: Yea and his dad sad he left for school.
M: Did you see him walking?
N: No, wait please don't tell me that is what your are thinking.
R: We haven't seen him and his dad said he left the house.
V: Na, that is not possible, he would never allow that to happen.
N: I can't loose him.
P: We know Matt.
I felt the tears running down my face and I hurry up and wipe them away.
L: Matt please don't cry, we will stop by his house after school and see if he just sleep in.
N: Okay.

That school day was the worst day ever, I didn't talk much and I was just worrying to much, the others noticed and they try to comfort me. I really apredicate it, and I have calmed down, but I am still worrying.

~~Time Skip~~

School was finally over, so we ran to my truck and drove to Brandon's house.
When we got there we heard quiet screams and we ran to the door and knocked.

Brandon's Pov:
( A little before The guys arrived )

I have been sitting here for who knows how long, crying. After a little while longer I hear the door open and my dad walks in.
" Are you having fun, Petey?"
I quickly look down again, and I feel more tears coming on but I hold them back.
I hear him walk over to me and I feel his hand going around my neck. He squeezes and jerks my head up.
" You look at me when I talk to you, do you understand me!"
I quickly nod, struggling to breath, he pulls of the gag and I start to gasp for breath
He looks at me smiling and i start to see black spots.
" I..I do...n't wan...nt...."
He lets go and I gasp for breath.
He walks back to the corner and come up to me will some scissors. I shrank away and my dad pulled on my neck again and I stopped moving.
He started to cut my shirt and he eventually ripped it off.
" So my son also cuts."
I nod and he smiles and walks away again and comes back with a knife and starts to cut my stomach and arms. It hurt but I was use to the pain so it didn't bug me that much. After about a dozen+ cut he put the blood knife down and walked away again.
After about 5 minutes he walked back in with a whip dragging behind him.
" No, no please.....Aaaaaa"
He hit against my stomach and I screamed and my dad smiled as repeatedly hits the whip against my arms, legs. back and stomach.
I screamed every time he hit me and I ended up begin him to stop.
" Why, why should I do that Brandon?"
" I have had enough please!"
" I get to say when the gay boy that killed his mother has enough."
He states smiling. He raps up the whip and sets it down on the ground next to me then walk over to grab and chair. He brings it over to me and makes me sit down. He then grabs an stool and pulls my right leg over it and ties it in place.
He grabs a sledge hammer and walks back over to me bringing it down on my ankle multiple times, until I heard a sickening crack and pain shot up my body, I screamed again and he smiled and he undid the knot around my leg and made me stand up. He got the whip again and just kept hitting me till I saw the door open....

{Editting} Can I Be Loved?  (A NoochZahHutt FanFic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon