Chapter 27

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Brandon's Pov:

Okay so now I have at least one of my friends in each class.

- Early Collage English, Vikk and Preston,
- AP World History, Preston
-AP Environmental Science, Vikk
- Computer Science/Programing, Jerome
- Early Collage Math, Vikk and Preston
- P.E, Matt, Mitch, Rob
- Art, Mitch, Rob

So yea. I like the idea of having friends in all my classes. Travis can't get me by myself, and I can protect my friends.

Well after we rearrange my schedule we go to find the others. And we find them behind the school. Vikk up against the wall, held by Travis. Lachlan being held back by two of his goons, and he is struggling for his life. Mitch is on the floor, eyes closed, in Jerome's arms. And Preston and Rob are held against the wall. I start to feel angry and I let go of Matt and limp over to Travis.
( B: Brandon, N: Matt, P: Preston, R: Rob, J: Jerome, V: Vikk, L: Lachlan, T: Travis )
B: What the, what do you think that you are doing?!

Travis turns to look at me and he starts to laugh.
T: I couldn't find you so I came to find the little Vikky over here.
B: You are going to let him and the others go, before I mess up your day!
N: Princess, calm down.
B: No, I am done with him. Jerome.
J: Yes.
B: What did he do to Mitch?
J: A blow to he head.
B: Take him to the nurse.

I then limp over to where Travis is an I push him off of Vikk.
B: I told you I am going to mess up your day.
T: You can't hurt a fly.
B: You wanna bet.

I punch him right square in the nose, hard and fast, and it starts to bleed.
T: What the fudge.
B: I told you I am not playing.

After that first punch I felt the other me setting in. I tried to stop it, but I failed. So I got taken over, by my bad side.

B: Let them go, and send your goons away, they don't want to see this.
T: Guys go.
B: You guys leave to.
N: Princess, just let him go.
B: No.

I push Travis to the ground and I kick him in the gut.
B: Do you like this feeling, it hurts doesn't it.

I do it again and he lets out a painful scream.
T: Don't please.
B: Why? You do it to me, 5 times worse than this. Do you want to know how it feels to be helpless, tied up and then bet?
T: No.
B: Well, I don't feel nice....

Suddenly I feel arms wrap around my waist, I kick Travis in the gut once more, before my feet leave the ground.
B: Mathew let me go!
N: No, You need to get control again.
B: I am in control.

I start to struggle to get out of Matt's grip, but he doesn't let go. He carries me away from Travis, then sets me on the ground. And my friends surround me.

V: Brandon you need to calm down.
I smile and I go to stand up but Matt puts a hand on my shoulder.
B: Let me go, Mathew!
N: Not, happening Princess.
P: Is it me or dose it look like he is not going to calm down.
B: You got that right.
V: Please.
B: No Vikkram.
V: You just.

I smile and I look up at him.
B: You bet I did.
R: Okay, I don't like this side of him.
B: Oh, really Robert. *Rolls eyes*
L: Where is the calm and fun-loving Brandon?
B: Buried deep in my mind , when he usually hides me.
N: We what.
B: Yea, and I really want to go and do what he wants me to do.
V: And that is....
B: What was I doing a second a go, Vikkram.
V: Okay, stop calling me that.
B: It makes you mad, so no.
L: He wants you to kick Travis's butt.
B: You got that right.

Mat lets go of my shoulder and he stands up straight. I just sit in the circle of friends, smiling.

N: Dose anyone know hoe we calm him down.
V: No,
P: I don't either.
B: *Laughs* The smartest people just got stumped.
P: Not funny Brandon.
B: Aww why you not call me Peter?
P: Because you are not him. You are a different side.
B: Well I know how.
L: You are not going to tell us...
B: No, I will.
N: Okay, tell.
B: He has to want to take control. He is fighting me right now. but that little wimp is not very strong. I can be this way all day. Oh and when he dose take control he will have no idea what I have done.
N: Then how, did he stop you yesterday.
B: Because, he has enough will power to make sure I cant touch anyone he cares about. But I get to hurt him. That is fun.
L: Okay, I hate him.
B: I am Brandon, so you are saying you hate Brandon.
L: No, I care about him, just not you.
B: Oh, look, I thing he actually figured it out well see ya.

Matt's Pov:

I watch as the evil Brandon lays down and closes his eyes, he also takes off his glasses then sets them on the ground. After what felt like forever, I saw Brandon sit up again. And his expression was full of fear.
( V: Vikk, L: Lachlan, P: Preston, R: Rob, N: Matt, B: Brandon )
B: Did I do anything bad? And where are my glasses?
L: You kicked Travis a few times, but Matt took you away. Then we circled around you like we are now.
P: And you made Vikk angry.
B: I am sorry Vikk.
V: It is cool. I will just have to get use to him call me Vikkram.
R: He called us all by our first name.
B: I am sorry guys, did I hurt any of you?
N: No, you didn't Princess.

He lets out a sigh of relief and then pulls his knees to his chest.
N: Princess, are you okay?

He shakes his head and looks up at me. I walk closer to him, then I sit down next to him and pull him into my lap.
N: What is wrong?
B: I didn't have any control. I just sat there in the dark, I couldn't do anything. I was scared.
N: It is okay. He is gone for now.
B: No he is always in my mind teasing me.
N: What quiets it?
B: You and the others, but it still whispers, it never goes totally way.
N: Well, we will always be here for you.
He hugs me tight and then pulls away in fear.

B: What happened to Mitch?
V: Travis push him to the ground and kicked him in the head, he passed out.
B: Didn't I tell Jerome to take him to the Nurse?
L: Yes.
B: Then let's go.

I stood up and then helped Brandon. Then I put him on my back.
We all ran over to the Nurse office and when we got there.
Jerome and Mitch were not there....

{Editting} Can I Be Loved?  (A NoochZahHutt FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now