Chapter 40

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Brandon's Pov:

We were all going to do the death cup challenge. So we all got a plastic cup and wrote our names on it, then set them on the counter.

(J; Jerome, M: Mitch, B: Brandon, N: Matt, P: Preston, R: Rob, L: Lachlan, V: Vikk)

L: So how are we going to do this?
M: So we are going to be doing this in teams. With your boyfriend.
J: NoochZahHutt, Vikklan, Poofless, and then us Merome.
M: We will roll a dice, which I have one in my hand.
B: There are 4 teams and that is a six sided dice.
J: We know, Just listen.
B: Fine.
M: So each group has a number.
J: NoochZahHutt 6: Vikklan 4: Poofless 5: Merome 3
M; So if it land on a 1 or 2 just roll again.
B: Okay.
N: Now why do we have numbers?
M: When I roll the dice, say it ands on 5, so Poofless, you get to choose what goes into our cups.
P: So if I roll 6 NoochzahHutt gets to pick an ingredient to put in our cups.
L: Then why do we each have a cup?
M: You are both doing it at the same time.
N: Sweet.
B: I am going to throw up....
R: Well go to the sink if you do.
B: Thanks Rob..
L: So who is going to go first.
J: we roll the dice.

Mitch rolls the dice and it lands on 4 so Vikklan goes first. They roll a six and I smile.

V: Oh no....I got NoochZahHutt!
L: Why is that so bad?
V: Pete is evil.
B: Yep.

Matt and I walk over to the fridge and we look around.

N: We could do mustard...
B: Yea....Wait here is hot sauce.
N: Okay we are doing that.

We walk back over to the table with the hot sauce in hand and Vikk groans.

V: You had to choose the hot sauce?
B: Yep!

I grab a spoon out of the cupboard and pore a spoon full into each cup, then put it back.

V: I hate you.
B: I love you to.

We roll the dice and we got Merome.

B: Fire away.
N: Ready for it.

They walk off and come back with tomato juice in there hand. They pour a descent amount in and put it back.

~~Time Skip~~

So we each had 10 ingredients in our cups

Vikklan: Hot sauce, cinnamon, chocolate, ice, milk, orange juice, ketchup, Bacon bits, yogurt, peanut butter.

Merome: Jalapeños, ice, sugar, egg, little apple pieces, sausage, orange juice, carrot, jelly, Vanilla.

Poofless: Ice, egg, flour, banana, tomatoes, ranch, mustard, bacon bits, peas, milk(a lot of it).

NoochZahHutt: Tomato juice, hot sauce, ice, milk, vanilla ice cream, mustard, carrots, sausage, Jalapenos, sugar.

I know gross. Well Merome is going first so Jerome dumps his into the blender and lets it go for 3 minutes, Mitch does the same.

After everyone blended there drink, Merome click there drinks together and started to drink it.

The look on there faces where priceless. But they both managed to drink all of theirs.

Vikklan: Lachlan did it but after a few sips Vikk's stomach said no and he threw up.

Poofless; They both did it.

I look at Matt it was our turn, we brought it to our lips and started to drink, it tasted very bad. We both finished them, but I ended up throwing it all up like five second latter.

B: That was bad!
N: Yes it was.
V: Not doing that ever again.
J: That is what myself and Mitch say, and this is like the fifth time doing it.
L: Why?
P: I don't think I could ever do that again!
M: I don't know, we have friends that have us do it with them.
R: Okay.....
N: Well we need to get going, we have school tomorrow.
B: I hate school.
N: I know.

We say out good byes and we make it out to Matt's truck, wee drive back to his house. Matt gives me my pill and we fall asleep.

{Editting} Can I Be Loved?  (A NoochZahHutt FanFic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz