Chapter 5

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Matt's Pov:

I arrive at school and I go around trying to find everyone.
Once everyone is here I notice that Brandon was not here.
" Vikk do you know where Brandon is?"
" Sadly, no, I walked here by myself."
" That is strange."
" But it is not the first time it had happened, every once in a while he will just disappear, the longest was four days."
" Do you know why."
" No, and he will not talk about it."
" I say after school we stop by his house."
Everyone agreed to it and we headed off to class.
But though put the hole day my mind was on him...

~~Time Skip~~

Finally school was over and we all met up and ran to Brandon's house. And knocked on the door, when it opened the first thing that hit me was the smell of beer.
( F: Brandon's father, M: Matt, V: Vikk, P: Preston, Mi: Mitch )
F: May I help you?
M: Where is Brandon?
F: Visiting family.
V: When will he get back?
F: don't know
Mi: how do you not know, he is your son.
F: He just stays as long as he wants, he will call me when he want to come home.
V: Okay, thanks
F: Bye

We started walking to Vikk's house and his mother asked where Brandon was, we told her family trip. And we walked up the stairs.
( M: Matt, L: Lachlan, V: Vikk, Mi: Mitch, J: Jerome,
P: Preston, R: Rob )
V: It is not like Pete to leave like that.
Mi: I may not know him like you Vikk, but I don't think he would leave without saying good bye.
R: I agree with Mitch.
P: Well, he should believe his dad.
J: Let's wait for a while and if he doesn't show up we go ask his dad again.
L: His dad looked like he was lying.
M: I agree with that, he had a smug look, what if he is in trouble!
L: I dot think that is the case.
V: We could climb through his window, he never closes it.
J: We should wait for a while first, we have school. I want to know where he is, but if he didn't tell us he wants it private.
M: Okay, okay

After a while Vikk shows us to his game room and we play a bunch of games and We left.
I got home and went to bed, still worrying about my Petey.

{Editting} Can I Be Loved?  (A NoochZahHutt FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now