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Night falls and my walls turn tangible as they do every night. I change out of my usual black dance shorts and tank top into a more relaxed colorful pair. I sprint over to the bathroom, flip the switch and look into the mirror. My long black hair hangs in one large braid over my shoulder. Carefully I undo the braid and let my bedhead curls fall where they may then, I gather my bangs on one side and begin braiding them across the crown of my head. When I reach the opposite side I tuck the braid underneath my hair and pin it there. I leave the bathroom turn off the light and grab two bottled waters from underneath my bed, set it down on my desk and take a seat on my bed. I lean against the headboard and grab my sketchbook from underneath my pillow.

I put my pencil to the paper and begin adding intricate designs of the bedroom I started drawing a couple of weeks ago. The bed lies in the center of the room against with drawers attached to the lower portion of the headboard. They span along the wall on both sides with one section attached to the adjacent wall whilst the other ends just before the door out of the room. The tops of the drawers serve as bedside tables where, a vase of flowers and a book have been placed. Above the headboard is a long thin shelf inside the wall with several small pieces of art on display. On either side of the shelving are light fixtures. I direct my attention to the bed and I begin adding a few textural marks as I go to emphasize the type of fabric it's made of. As I gently pass the pencil over the paper my mind wanders to the events that transpired only a few nights ago.

Bruno held me firmly to him, pressing his fingertips into my hip as he guided me in to the side step. They way he held my hand as we spun for what seemed like hours rather than minutes or seconds.

I start to add texture dashes the wooden bed frame; using the same technique I make the bedside tables more realistic looking as well as the floor. I switch to a heavier charcoal pencil to add shading the the bare brick wall. Suddenly there's a noise at my door. My body freezes in place. I listen intently. When Bruno comes, there's hardly a noise--even Michael and Amy, they don't make much noise either. As quietly as I can, I put my art supplies away and organize my room then stand beside my bed.
The my door slides away revealing Victor. He looks as though he's had a rough day; his clothing is only slightly disheveled.

But this was all wrong, he has never looked this way before.

He closes the door behind him and turns to me. Without a word he starts toward me. His face is slightly red, his crystalline blue eyes are glasses and there seems to be tears threatening to fall.

"I need you now." He inhales as though he's been crying. Gaining ground quickly with large strides he pulls his tie loose and over his head; he tosses it on the floor. He begins removing his shirt.

He means... 

"Vic." Cold sweat materializes on my temples and I feel the hair on every inch of my body stand on end. "I didn't know you were coming," I stammer. I stand on the opposite side of my bed, away from him.

He tosses his dress shirt to the floor. Next he unbuckles his belt, pulls it from his pants and tosses it on the floor with the rest of his clothing. Before I know it he stands before me in boxers and a tee-shirt. He walks behind me, wraps his arms tightly around my waist and presses his face against my neck. I begin trembling. He inhales deeply, puts his lips against my neck and beginnings kissing. I gasp and my skin begins to crawl. I resist every urge to pull away from him.

Please let me go...I can't do this.

He bites down on the skin of my shoulder, I cry out in pain and shove him backward with my right elbow. My heart pounds in my chest. I attempt to get away from him as he makes a sound of pain but he grabs my by the shoulders and turns me around to face him. The whites of his icy blue eyes are stricken with bright red veins making them nearly bulge out of their sockets. 

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