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The lights go off, the walls become tangible, my door locks and I climb out of bed. I switch out my usual dance shorts, tank and sports bra for a bodysuit and pale loose half-hoodie. I pull my hair back in a half up half down style and head to the bathroom to freshen up. I close my eyes and the melody Bruno sang echos in my mind like a broken record. If it were any other song or anyone else singing, I may have gotten tired of it but for him, it's different. At the thought of his lips plastered against mine and I nearly go weak in the knees. How is it that he would--could even feel the way I do for him? I look back at myself in the mirror. What does he see in me? I shake the thought away just as I hear my door close. After turning off the light I walk into my room to see Bruno in a weathered flannel, dark jeans, socks and a grey beanie. He has his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. He looks at me sideways with a soft smile etched across his lips.

"Hey," I breathe.

"Hey yourself," he replies. He pulls me into a hug and I settle against his chest comfortably. He pulls away kisses, my forehead and walks me to the window ledge where he pulls me into his arms. "How did you sleep?"

"Good. You?" I question back.


I setting into his arms and the two of us peer out the window at the sky as stars twinkle against the inky navyish-purple-black sky. He begins humming and I close my eyes focus on his voice. It quietly takes me back to when I was about nine or ten years old; when I used to have little recitals for Chaska in the living room.

I walked into the house, lock and closed the door behind me. I made my way to the closet and put my shoes away before I ran into the kitchen where Chaska was finishing up my daily after school snack. She turned away from the sink and grinned at me. I tossed my backpack down.

"How was your day at school Poca?" she asked. She set down several small plates that housed different cut fruits. Next, she placed two mason jars with a layer of yogurt and granola already inside. She pushed a spoon toward me and took one for herself.

"Good!" I exclaimed climbing up onto one of the tall island chairs. She leaned forward and peered at me with bright interested eyes. "I learned how to a grand jete! I can you believe it?!"

"Really? That's wonderful!" She tapped my chin and I jumped off my chair.

"I have to show you!" I grabbed her hand and dragged her with me to the living room where she helped me move the furniture outward. Afterward, she took a seat, I got into position at one end of the room, ran then leaped across toward her. My legs widened into a near perfect split in midair before I landed squarely on my feet, hands still poised. Chaska's eyes widened and she clapped excitedly before scooping me up in her arms, spinning around and cuddling me to her chest. I wrapped my arms around her and she kissed my temple. She mumbled something in a language I didn't understand and kissed me one more time before setting me down. I looked up at her with furrowed brows.

"What does that mean?"

"What does what mean, hun?"

I repeated her phrase and waited for answer. She paused for a moment and her eyes become glassy, she swallowed and smiled weakly as though she was in pain.

"It means that I'm so proud of you," she said running her hand beneath her nose. "That's all." She grasped my cheek lovingly then began moving the furniture back into place. I helped her and afterward she turned to me.

"Now let's get you your snack," she said walking back to the kitchen.

The memory starts to fade but before I leave it fully something across the room catches my eye. On the wall just above the door a bright red light has begun flashing. Bruno notices it and begins to shift. I climb out of his arms. His eyes fall on me and he purse his lips as though he is about to speak. Then the flashes become quicker, more frequent. I stand and he follows. I gather his things and shove them into his arms.

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