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I sit the tiled bathroom floor and it lends me its cold refuge as I wipe beads of sweat from my temples. My gag reflex pulls my throat backward before I thrust my head over the toilet, unidentifiable contents discarding themselves in the bowl. Then I hear footsteps and my breath hitches in my chest. Eyes widening I stare at the door.

"Elinea, it's Amy." She turns the door knob, the handle moving on my side of the door. "He's gone."

I breathe deeply and slowly catch my breath before I open the door. Amy's eyes meet mine full of concern. She closes and locks the bathroom door again. Sitting down she sets a backpack beside her. She looks in my eyes. "Did he try it again?"

I nod, terrified tears falling to the floor. Amy pulls me forward with her arms around me. Shifting out her arms I wipe my face with the back of my hand. "I need to get out this." My skin crawls, thousands of tiny legs scampering over my pores. Like an allergic reaction I start scratching but Amy puts her hand over mine.

"Shower, I'll get you some clothes." She exits the bathroom closing the door gently. I nearly tear the dress off, stepping out of it so quickly I almost trip on the mat next to the shower. Down to nothing I step into the tub, pulling the curtain closed. I hear the door open, then close and lock again. "There are sweats on the counter when you're done." Amy says quickly. "What happened?" 

I tell her everything while I proceed to scrub every inch of my body in attempt to dispel Victor's scent and touch from my skin. As I turn the faucet and secure it, I let the water roll off of me as my skin tingles just under its bright red coloring. Whether it's from the heat or how hard I was scrubbing; I don't know. My breathing is calm as I reach for the towel on the rack just outside the shower. I step out with the towel around me.

"As long as you're alright," Amy says. She looks at me. "I told you not to scrub your skin that hard. As much as you want to get him off, one day you're going to make yourself bleed." She takes of my arms and examines them, running her fingertips over the most irritated areas. "Put this on." She hands me a white bottle of lotion from her backpack. "It will help with the redness." I do as instructed. Amy takes a seat on the floor and starts going through her things. "I checked on Bruno for you. He's stunned but he's doing better. He had some other questions but I answered them. I think it's going to take him a while to grasp the concepts though. He still can't believe what's going on here." 

When I'm dressed, Amy hands me a hot mug of tea as she pours herself one motioning me to join her. I set the mug down in front of me and brush the damp knots out of my hair. "I got really sick this time. Before I could get through it for the most part but now I can't even stomach him. I don't know how much longer I can put up with this."

"I wish I could tell you what to do but if you don't keep up his act, one day his personalities are going to merge and he's going to snap. For now we have to keep him happy."

"Whatever that entails." I take a sip and return to brushing. 

"Are you really alright?" Amy looks at me her dark eyes honest and caring.


She gives me something to eat and we talk until for a while. When I get in to bed, Amy packs up her things. I call out to her. "Can you, stay?" I inquire, sounding like a terror-stricken child. 

"Sure." She smiles a soft sweet smile.


Right ankle settled on the bar I point my toes stretching my calf muscles as far as I can before I bend and reach forward. Closing my eyes I breathe through attempting to stay calm despite the nightmarish sequences playing over and over on the walls of my mind. No matter what I try I can't clear that night or all the other nights from my mind. He's escalating. 

"Why didn't you come by last night?" My eyes fly open as a whist gasp departs from my lips.

"Geez." My sudden spike in blood pressure diminishes as I look at Bruno; leaning on the wall beside my bar his eyes on me. "I had something to take care of." His eyes narrow and his brows come together as he looks me up and down. 

"What happened last night?"

"It's not important," I say quickly switching legs. "Do something, they're always watching us." Bruno's eyes meet mine as he makes his way to a table in the center of the hallway. Taking a seat there he picks up his guitar and proceeds to play. Amy comes to his side; they make eye contact for a moment and then she comes to me. 

"Michael's coming by tonight. He's going to let Bruno in." 

"See you," I affirm.


At lights out, I wait until the hallway goes quiet with the last footstep. I climb out of bed just as my phone vibrates. Glancing at the message for no more than I second; I make my way to the door and quickly enter my code. In the door way is Amy and not to far off, Bruno. They both step inside and I lock the door again. 

"Where's Michael?" 

"Coming." Amy looks me in the eyes. "He'll be here." Waiting the three of us sit, listening. In silence we hardly move; our trained breathing inaudible. Then five soft knocks followed by another four. Tentatively I walk to the door again to reply. I start with the same five knocks followed by three instead of four. The following reply consists of both sets of knocks in sequence. I open the door. As Michael steps in,  the tightness in my chest begins to dissipate. He's dressed in a simple black suit and a white tee-shirt with black loafers . His light curls are pulled away from his face. Once the door is secure he turns to me and purses his lips. I walk to him. 

"How are you?" he asks, his eyes gentle. 

"Not good." I admit. "It's getting worse." Michael wraps his arms around me and the tears come. Muffling my sobs his hold grow tighter and more protective. 

"I will personally take care of him when its time." He whispers, his voice quieter than even mine. "I promise."

"Thank you." 

Michael steps away from me and the two of us join Amy and Bruno on the opposite side of the room. Amy sits on my bed, Bruno on the ledge by my window. The two notice our presence instantaneously.

"It's good to finally meet you Bruno," Michael offers his hand a genuine smile gracing his face. Bruno steps down, walking over. He accepts the handshake as childlike smile comes across his face, large dimples dot either cheek. 

"I never thought I would get to meet you." 

"Now that you've met Amy and Elinea and that they've told you the ins and outs of this place. I need to ask something of you." Michael keeps his soft approach but becomes serious. I take a seat next to Amy on my bed. 

"Ok." Michael leads Bruno to one of the far corners of my room. They exchange words and fall deep in conversation. Amy goes to my closet retrieving a small shoe box, from it she fishes out a picture and hands it to me. It's of Stellan and I; his arms around my shoulders with my head ducked under his. A content smile sits on my face, the creases at the corners of my eyes pulled together, his lips pressed on my forehead. 

"Always remember, you have him to back to." I run my fingertips over the glossy paper. I nod. I tuck the picture away and Amy returns the box. Michael walks over, Bruno in toe. Michael draws all attention, then speaks. 

"It's settled. He's in."


Author's Note

I just want to say thanks to all of you who have been reading this fan fiction, I really enjoy writing it and getting feedback from all of you so...Thanks for the support! You guys have made Larceny popular among reader in record time, I never though I could gain so many reads and so many comments with only ten chapters. INCREDIBLE. 

I want to say a special thanks to @imjusthavinfun thanks for the shout out and the dedication. Girl, some talent you got there, your fan fic is one of the best I've read and I can't wait to see how everything plays out! You wreak havoc on the shipper in me lol I can't decide which couple I love more! Keep up the good work and comments for me and I will be sure to do the same for you hun! Xx

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