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"Hey Adele,"

"Hi, how are you and the song coming along?"

"Alright more or less, still working on the lyrics." There's a little bit of commotion in the background then some speaking followed by the closing of a car door.

"I can be at you studio by seven this evening, does that work for you?"

"That's what I was calling to talk to you about. I'm not so into going out in public too often right now, so I wanna know, would you mind coming to my home studio instead? I've got everything we'll need to get the demo recorded."

"Sounds perfect," she chimes back in a surprising calm tone. "Send me your address and I'll give you a ring when I'm on my way over."

"Thank you."

"No problem, it's you I should be thanking." Before I can ask her 'what for?" the line goes dead. I set my phone aside and look back out the window to my backyard where G is entertaining himself with a dirt covered plush toy of his. As he runs back and forth, toss the toy around and running after it the sun shines down over him making his dark fur shine. After ten minutes or so, I peel myself up off the couch, call and let him in and pour out some fresh water for him. As he loudly drinks I close the door and then make my way down the hall to my home studio. I uncover my record player and choose a vinyl at random to play. As I carefully place the tone arm down and turn the volume up nostalgic warmth fills the messy room with memories of my childhood. As I sing along and mill around collecting the crumpled pieces of paper I tossed around while I was working. I reorganize the wires for all my instruments and shift the speakers around so that there's more open space available. Lastly, I grab the vacuum and get to cleaning up the rugs and then vacuum and sweep the hardwood. I check the mini fridge and snack cupboard then bus refreshments from the kitchen to refill. The lastly I open leave the doors open and light some candles Jaime gifted me when I got home. I step back and take a look over the room. Tidy and workable.

I go upstairs have a quick shower, then I throw on pair of basketball short and a light grey long sleeve shirt and a snapback to contain my curls. Instead of actual shoes, I opt for black socks and my white K.Swiss slides. I dab on a little cologne a chain long chain and then head downstairs where I put on some coffee. I walk out into the living room, have a seat and click on the TV. After flipping through for a bit and not finding anything interesting, opt for a favorite episode of Game of Thrones instead and lean back in into the couch. A second episode starts and just as the opening credits leave the screen I hear my doorbell. I put G down in the basement then I go and answer the door. Standing in my door way alone dress in the most casual way I've ever see her is Adele. She has on a pair of black classic black Converse, black leggings, an over-sized grey sweater and a black and white scarf in a simple paisley patter. Her her shoulder length light brown, almost blonde hair is down framing her face and in her and is a small designer bag.

"Hello," she smiles. warmly and steps a little closer to my door. "May I?"

"Oh yeah, please," I reply quickly noticing that I haven't said anything. I step aside and let her in then close and lock the door behind her. "It's nice to meet you and speak in person," I says as I stand out of her way and push my hands down into the pockets of my shorts.

"Likewise, your house is beautiful." I say a quick 'thank you' then motion for her to follow me down the hall ahead of us. When we arrive at my home studio she immediately takes a seat on the couch next to the piano and sets her bag down. "Is there anything I can get you before we get started?"

"No, I'm alright but, How are you? It's good to see that you want to get back to work but..." Her voice seems to trail off.

"Working helps me keep my mind off of what happened. Keeping my mind from wandering is what's working right now."

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