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I quietly pad through the hallways along the white washed bricks and the grey speckled white linoleum tiles on the floor. It's quiet as always a pin would drop in here and you would notice it as though it was a blaring police siren screaming though a busy city overpowering all its sounds. I turn the corner and walk down to the third door on my left. Its been a while since anyone, close to my age and supposed talent has been captured; I can't remember the last time someone was placed up here in the larger rooms. I type in the code and the metal door slides away without a sound revealing a room that looking much like mine with one obvious difference. The bed spread is purple. My heart sinks and enter with heavy footsteps and cross the room. Its dark but I can still make out the familiar figure outlined in the dim moonlight. 

"I didn't think I was going to see you again this soon," I interject into the newly inhabited darkness of the room. A purple suit jacket flashes just beyond it a ray of white light. I smile at my friend and he smiles back.

"I didn't think so either," he replies stepping toward me. 

"It's good to see you again man, I knew something wasn't right the day we lost you." He steps forward offer's his hand and I take it. We shake, hug then step apart. 

"I was hoping they wouldn't get you," I add truthfully. 

"I don't even know when they got me." He runs his hand across the back of his neck then puts his hands in his pockets. 

"No one does."His light brown eyes flicker in the light. 

"The art they put up about me, one the subways, Niagara Falls--the news...You never know how much they really care until you're gone."

"Don't I know it." We both turn and walk over to the window sill and take a seat there. The moonlight shines between us. "If anything my music got more popular, its crazy that people can say so many hateful things about you and to you. They try to take everything you worked for from you then they turn around and show love to your music."

"People don't know what they want. Lots of them follow the crowd to see what they 'should like' rather than what they 'truly like' just to fit into social norms. You and I weren't meant to fit into those molds. When people saw how successful we were despite our unconventional natures and they try to find away to take us down just to make themselves feel better and line their pockets."

I nod in agreement and we stand in silence for a while. I assess his current appearance. He's dress similarly to the way that I am. He's wearing a white tee-shirt, black dress pants, dress shoes and a purple suit jacket instead of a black one like mine. He moves with normal fluidity and doesn't seem to be in pain whatsoever. I feel my eyebrows furrow as confusion sets in but I keep my words to myself. 

"So what's the plan?" Prince asks, leaning against the window frame with one leg on the glass pane. I chuckle to myself and look out the window. 

"I have a guy on the inside, we've already discussed how we're getting out. It's a solid plan, all we have to do now is--"

"Choose a day?"


"Sounds good." 

"How are you?"

"I fine, I guess." Prince looks at his hands then back out the window. "I don't think they really did anything to me." 

"Really? You're not in pain?"

"No. Should I be?" 

I start to speak but then I swallow my words. He doesn't need to know everything just yet. It's good to know he's not in pain. I peer out the window at the city in the distance, there's no landmarks, specific buildings that stand out...nothing. Prince looks on with eyebrows knitted together and lips askew but doesn't say a word. I take a deep breath, have a seat on the window ledge and leans back against the glass.

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