49. La Douleur Exquise

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Author's Note

Heyo all, 

I hope you haven't been waiting in agony for this chapter...I have had you wait so long but the chapter wasn't up to snuff and I wanted to be sure it would be worth your while. So now I finally have the next chapter of Larceny for you...I apologize again and I hope you enjoy it as this story is coming to a close very, very soon. The chapter that follows this one will arrive in the next day or so so stay tuned ;)

p.s. You Hooligans are the best, this story would be what it has become without all of you. Love you guys, I hope you enjoy. 



La Douleur Exquise: The heart-wrenching pain of wanting the affection of someone unattainable. 

After I enter the code into the second virtual keypad, the tone goes off and the remainder of the cell-block doors I was assigned to open. 

It's only a matter of time before the Hench notice that everyone is gone.

I jog down the halls double checking each. When I reach the door I sent everyone through its locked and the panic I've attempted to keep locked away in my chest rises to my throat. I try the code again but the door blinks red in disagreement of what typed. With trembling hands, I try it again but the same thing happens. 

How am I supposed to get out of here?

I quickly re-route myself and quickly run down different hall to another exit but when I reach it's blocked too. Panic rises from my chest to my throat nearly causing it to close and my muscles begin to spasm involuntarily. The edges of my vision begin to blur as I look down the available hallways searching for a way out.

Just then I hear something. Without thinking, I dart into one of the open rooms and press my body up against the wall. Its pitch black inside, no lights to speak of, even the windows are blocked. Walking on the tips of my toes as to make a little noise as possible I make my way toward the bathroom; never leaving the safety of a wall for more then a few seconds. I hear two metal objects run against each other then, two sets of cautious foot steps near the room I'm hiding in. That could be people trying to escape or that could be Hench looking for stragglers.

I have to find something, think of some way to defend myself...just in case....

I look around the room, my heart nearly beats out of my chest. I shift my weight from one foot to the other and step around the outcropping of the wall putting me just five feet or so from the bathroom. Just as I am about to repeat the same motion and slip inside, a hand clamps over my mouth. The figure that owns the hand enters the dark space with me; he is just over my height with green eyes so bright that they shine in the dark. It is followed by a second figure, a slim one; a woman. Her eyes burn a bright blue as she blinks at me. She staggers backward and I dare not move a muscle. 

"It's him." She whispers. The male figure looks at me and slowly moves his and from my mouth to grab my arm instead. The woman motions for me to be quiet and I comply without hesitation. They take me into the bathroom lock the door and turn on the lights. The 'man' who was holding me can't be over twenty years old and the 'woman' standing beside him looks as though she's barely sixteen. His eyes that were green only moments ago become a calm hazel and her eyes have become a deep dark brown. He's tall and slim but muscular enough to fill out what he's wearing. His hair is curly, cut short and faded on the sides. He has a squared jawline paired with soft, round features and deep set eyes. He clearly packing, wear a leather two gun holster over his shoulders along with a sort of utility belt around his waist that houses several pouches and hooks for other weapons. He wears a black beanie, a simple grey tee underneath a light khaki jacket, a pair of blue jeans and converse. The girl resembles him slightly which may mean that they're siblings but her hair color and texture differ from his; its a lighter warmer brown color with a reddish tint. Her almond shaped eyes are set in the for-front of he face her nose is small and set directly in the center of her face and her lips are somewhere caught between thin and full. She has a slight build as well with strength focused in her legs rather than her arms and she too seems to be packing but I can't be sure what and how much she is carrying.The girl has her long brown hair in a braided ponytail; she wears a red shirt beneath an army green khaki jacket, black jeans with black high-top sneakers with flower print on them; she doesn't appear to have a weapon but who knows what she could be hiding.

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