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"Remember when I told about the initial Extraction that you received when you got here?" I ask Bruno as he makes eye contact with me not breaking it for a second. 


"There is more to tell about that process and about the clones they make of us. In most cases, only one Extraction is required; the person is only taken from and disfigured once. But in rare cases, the person must be extracted from again."

"You mean, they make you go through it all over again?" 


"Why?" he asks honesty. "Why would they need to do that again? They've already taken what they wanted." 

"Sometimes the clones malfunction. They slowly begin to lose the emotional and physical attributes of the person they were created from. The hosts' have to be extracted from again in order for the clones to continue impersonating them. Though this time, it is performed differently." 

"How do you mean?" 

"Second Extractions are always performed with the person fully awake. No sedation occurs, neither is there a memory wipe when the process is completed. You have to experience it all." 

"They do that out of spite, don't they. It's another way they try to break you." 

"I believe so. Michael told me about these, he says that one hasn't been performed in years." 

"I get why you thought it was necessary to tell me this but," his deep brown eyes search mine. "something tells me that there's another reason. What is it?"

I take a deep breath and try to swallow the lump growing in my throat. "I think they're going to perform a Second Extraction...on me."


The night I told him about Second Extractions, Bruno stated that he would do anything he can to protect me before I could say anything else. No matter how I debated with him he insisted that he would be able to keep anything from happening to me. The stubborn attitude he's created, brings me this sort of comfort that I've felt only a few times. The fact that he won't take no for an answer almost gives me hope that he can actually do something when in my most logical mind I know he can't. 

The next couple of days go by just as they always have. Early mornings, exercise filled afternoons and nightly trips to Bruno's room. He asks less questions theses days and seems to be lost in thought more often than not. He neglects to speak of the bad and attempts to make jokes to lighten the mood. He seems to understand the seriousness of the situation we are in but continues to try and make the environment more comfortable. 

I lock my door behind me and silently make my trek to his room. Reaching Bruno's door, I input his code and let myself in. As I lock the door behind me the shower faucet in his bathroom is shut off with a tiny squeak. I take a seat at his desk as the bathroom door opens revealing Bruno. He's in a white tee-shirt and red and black boxers with a towel hanging around his neck he pads over to his bed takes a seat and faces me.

"Hey," he rubs his eyes, releasing the excess water present there. "I knew you were coming but I figure you'd come later." Water slips down his dark curls, dripping on his face. He brings one side of the towel up to his left ear and begins rubbing it; several drops drip, flinging themselves on his white tee.

"I figured I'd see how you're coming along."

"I worked up a real sweat today," he chuckles. "It's been a while since I've sweat this much. You have me bustin' my ass here." He brings the towel up over his head and begins rubbing his hair dry. He then tosses the towel aside. His water weighted curls hang in his face still dripping.

"Well you have to work for what you want," I say shifting in my seat.

"Yeah, I appreciate the ass bustin'. I need it." He picks up a bottle of lotion from his bedside. He smooths it over his skin starting with his face, arms, legs then feet. "I have aches in places I never thought I could." He laughs again. "Thanks. " he smiles that sideways smile where he's teeth show pulling one side of his cheek up revealing only one dimple.

I can't help but smile back when my eyes meet his. A strange bubbly feeling rises in my chest and I catch myself laughing a little. "You're thanking me for putting you in pain?"

"Yeah, it's good pain. Like the pain you feel when you really hard laugh after working out. And your abs are tight. A fulfilling pain."

I feel my mind grow distant as I watch him. His newly contoured features call my eyes to wander over his body. The width of this shoulders, the pockets of muscle growing firm on his arms, the narrowing of his torso as it tapers down to his legs, the veins in his hands and the outline of his jaw and cheek bones in his now thinner face. 

"Like what you see?" He smiles again a small laugh ticking his raspy throat. He clears his throat and continues laughing. My eyes widen and my cheeks grow warm. "I'm sorry, I'm just kidding. I saw the opportunity and I had to take it."

Instead of getting mad I feel my lips part in to a smile then a laugh. I regain composure and punch him lightly in the shoulder. "Point taken."

"She has a sense of humor!"

"Shut up," I say back. 

"Alright, alright I'm sorry." He puts his hands up in surrender. "I was just messin' with you. Laughing is good for you, you should do it more often. Being serious all the time, it can't be healthy; have some fun once in a while."

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