50. Home

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Author's Note

Hey Hooligans, I know the chapter is a couple minutes late but this one is a long one so I hope you'll give me a little grace. I'm trying to put my best foot forward by implementing a posting schedule again like the one I had back when I started this fanfic. Please bare with me as I get used to weekly postings again. I worked really hard to make this chapter happen so I hope you like it. Please read, comment and vote if and let me know how I'm doing if you want. 

For all of you who have been  with me since the beginning on this work and you're still here, thank you all so much for sticking by me! So without further delay here is the the next chapter of 'Larceny'! 


A month after the escape...

I open my eyes and take a deep breath as I roll over on my side and reach the night stand to my left. My fingers locate my phone without much effort and I click the screen on.


I'm awake early again, as I have been everyday since I've been home. With a sigh, I pulls myself up out of bed throw on some track pants, sneakers and a hoodie then I head downstairs. I make a b-line for the cabinet that houses Geronimo's food and pour out breakfast for him. As the bits collide with the stainless steel, I can hear him trotting toward me. He pushes his head into my leg and bend down and I show him some love. He licks my hand and I head for the door. I grab his leash from the hook, then my keys and a snapback from the coat rack. G trots over to me and I get him ready for his walk. We take to the chilly L.A. morning quietly walking along the nearly empty paved streets. We do the usual then blocks out then ten blocks back. When we return to the house I put him out in the yard and to make some breakfast while he gets some more sun, when it's ready I join him outside and chill on the patio while I watch him run around. After an hour so, he winds down and comes to sit with me. Eyes closed sun bearing down on my face in the midst of the chilly air, I breath in the fresh air deeply. To feel this directly rather than through glass is more than a blessing. Even with this freedom among all the others, I can't say that I've relaxed. El...she lingers in the hallways of my mind, quiet, hyper aware and frightened with this hidden strength she only explicitly showed when she needed to.

I'm trying to protect you.

Is something her eyes would say to me often. To this day I don't understand why she had to protect me. I should be able to do that on my own and protect her. How is it that I wasn't able to manage that?

I stand up, collect my dishes and go back inside. After loading the dishwasher, I head down to my home studio and pick up my oldest guitar. I choose a spot stare blankly and strum without rhyme or reason. First I runs scales then a few of my favorite songs and lastly my own. I leave the guitar for my grand piano and play the first song that comes to mind: the first song I successfully played for Elinea when I started to get my dexterity back. With my eyes closed her warm ebbs toward me feeling her presence pulls voice from my lungs. The lyrics ride the melody and the pedals guide the key. My voice rings clear and true as she sits silently beside me with her eyes closed absorbing every note. When the last chord arrives I hold it until the keys lose their sounds and only open my eyes as my hands leave the keys.

How could she expect me to just go home and move on like nothing happened?

I pull the key cover down and rest my elbows on it with my face in my hands. I massage my temples in a feigned attempt to rub the thoughts of her way although I know they're not going anywhere. I rise from the piano and make my way back to the kitchen where I find my phone and a text waiting for me. Jaime: I told people to start showing up around 2pm but it will probably be more like 2:30, is that ok?

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