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Bruno's POV

Suddenly cool air sweeps over my and I open my eyes. My muscles clench, bracing for the pain I experienced in what seems like only a few moments ago but its grown dull. I feel cold and without touching it, I know my skin is clammy. I try raise hand to wipe my face but I my attempt is thwarted when I realize I can't. rI lift my head and look down at my body to to see my arms and legs are strapped to the gurney I'm laying on. I'm shirtless with gauze wrapped around my lower abdomen. I'm otherwise clothed, minus shoes. The room looks a lot like an operating room in a hospital, white with only a few pieces of equipment. Just then someone enters the room behind me and walks around to the desk opposite me. The person starts picking up and putting down things on one of the counters then glances over their shoulder.

"You're awake," the person states. I recognize the voice. Callum. He walks over to the gurney and presses a button somewhere on the side. With a muted humming sound, the gurney starts to tilt forward, then his bends slowly putting me in a sitting position. With a the pressing of another button, my restraints roll away into the surface of the gurney. "I apologize for those, I didn't want you to hurt yourself had you woken up before I was finished tending to your wounds." He pulls a stool from a nearby table and takes a seat along side the gurney, I'm sitting on. He watches me closely, looking at gauze as though the wants to make sure it has all been done right. I rub my wrists attempting to rub away the feeling of restraint they provided. I turn toward him and swing my legs over the side facing him. He looks up and our eyes meet.


"Your welcome," he replies solemnly.

"How is she?"

"Ms. Rossmore?" He raises an eyebrow and tilts his head to one side. "She was worried about you the last time I spoke to her."

"The last time you spoke to her...how long have I been here?"

"A week," he says turning his back to me. From the table behind him he grabs a clip board and flips up the first sheet for before he takes a look. "I could have returned you to your room a day ago but, I wanted to make sure you were doing well before I did."

"I have to get back to her." With my hands grasping the edge of the gurney, I lean forward and attempt to put my feet on the floor.

"Wait a minute, let me take a look." Callum reaches out and begins carefully removing the gauze from across my abdominal area. I after its all been removed, he light presses his fingertips along the yellowing edges of the bluish-purple bruises that cover my lower stomach area. I wince a little but as he leans away from me, he turns back to his clip board and jots something down. "I can give you something for the pain," he says. He glances over at me then gets back to writing. When he finishes, I get dressed and Callum quietly escorts along the lesser known corridors of the facility. I've never seen them before, never even had the slightest idea that there were so many ways to get to one place but yet, there they are. Upon arriving at my cell, he reminds me of the date and I let myself in. My room is in darkness as it should be but a small figure it seated on the ledge at my window. As the door clicks shut, she person startles and I immediately know who its.

Elinea steps down from the ledge and quickly makes her way over to me as I reach my bed. I take a seat there and she sits beside me. As she combs some of her hair out of her face, I get a good look at her. The rims of her dark brown almond shaped eyes are red, her cheeks are ruddy and her frame somehow appears smaller than I remember. She's wearing leggings, a loose-fitting tee shirt and a hoodie that looks alot like one of mine. She reaches forward to touch me but as I shift in pain to turn toward her but she draws her hand back.

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