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Author's Note

Hey Hoolies! 

I apologize for taking so long to get this chapter to you, I haven't had much time to gather my thoughts in order to write lately--there's been alot on my mind but I am trying to become more regular with posting chapter like I used to. I'll let you know in advance if a chapter will be late but I will try my best to post every Monday and or Friday. 

P.S. Sorry for the chapter being so short :(

Thanks for your patience and your love, 



My eyes fly open yet again. Sweat covers nearly every inch of my body, goosebumps litter my skin causing every hair on my body to stand on end. My head pounds like a wrecking ball against a skyscraper, my heart beats erratically as though it has lost it's natural rhythm; my lungs don't seem to be able to hold on to a single breath. I rub my eyes frantically in attempt to scrub away any visual recollection of Victor. I roll over on my left side, pull the comforter in around me and close my eyes once more. Victor's icy blue eyes peer at me in the darkness behind my eyes lids. His hands run across my body like the stomping feet of temper-tantrum bound children without their way. I open my eyes once more and tears streak my cheeks. I climb out of bed and take the comforter with me to the window sill. I wrap the down comforter around me and press my head against the cold raindrop covered pane.

Outside the ground below is being pounded by gallon after gallon of water pouring from the sky in what appears to be nearly complete sheets of rain. The grass below is littered with puddles and deeper indentations that present themselves as what look like miniature ponds beneath the sparse grouping of trees. Thunderclaps followed by bolts of lightening streaking across the milky black-ish/grey of the night sky. Slowly the comforter falls away and I press my body closer to the window, letting the cold cause my temperature to drop while counting of impossibly numerous raindrops falling from the sky. I shiver but I don't tear myself away from the glass; the sound of the rain becomes music in jammed elevator of my mind. I can still feel his hands on me; my skin is still tender. My throat feels as they his hands are still wrapped around it. My hips and groin still bare sharp pains with every slight movement I make. My eyes start to close and I force them open, out the window and into the darkness outside.

Suddenly my door opens and I flinch. The door slides away to reveal Bruno in dark jeans a white tee-shirt, a grey hoodie and socks. A beanie hides his dark curls. He quickly cross the room to me and as soon as he reaches me he places his arms around me cradling my head in one hand.

"Thank God," he whispers into my hair. "Oh thank God, thank God."

I feel tears form in my eyes again. I writhe against him but he holds me tighter. I wince, thrashing harder and harder until I manage to force him to let go. He looks at me with soft, open eyes void of even the slightest bit of anger. I step away from him but he steps toward me.

"Don't," I warn. My voice trembles and tears slip down my cheeks and into my sweatshirt.

He walks toward me and when he's with in a little over three feet I raise one hand and slap him across the face. His eyes widen, his jaw flexes and he brings his hand up to his cheek. He rubs this cheek, flexes his jaw a few times and his eyes return to normal. He looks at me for several minutes before walking past me to the window where I left the comforter. He picks it up, shakes it out and makes his way back to me; he throws it over my shoulders and warps me tightly inside. Then he embraces me again and my lungs shiver in my chest at his touch. A cry leaves my throat and before I can try and stop them the tears come again.

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