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Three doors down I see Bruno in a simple white tee, jeans and classic chucks. He yawns then runs his hand through his hair, shrugging his guitar over one shoulder. I watch I'm out of the corner of my eye, stretching my arms behind my head.

People pass, instruments, notebooks, easels, all kinds of different things; all in the name of art. Nearby by he sits, taking the guitar out of its case, holding it by neck as he sets the case on the floor.

"Morning," Bruno says the soreness apparent in his voice. He pulls a notebook and a pencil from a pocket in the case.

"Morning," I say softly keeping the same volume. I bend my arm behind my head, pressing my elbow down stretching. "How was your Introduction?" I switch arms as he sets the guitar in his lap, picking at the strings to make sure they're in tune. He continues, turning nobs at the top still tuning.

"Ok," he muses roughly. "They gave me another check up. I didn't speak but, they said that I will be let out at the same time everyday. They talked about meals and room times."

"Good." I stretch my arms across my chest. He clears his throat.

"So this is what everyone does all day, every day?" He asks, pulling the guitar strap to loosen it.

"Ye-" Is all I get out before Amy walks over in her usual dark jeans and tank, her big black do and extreme cat eyes.

"Mornin' 'Lin," she says, giving me a small smile.

"Hey Ames." I return the smile and continue my stretches. "So this is him, 'The Bruno Mars'?" She says in a knowing tone. I watch him out of the corner of my eye as his eyes go wide. 

"Nice to meet you, Bruno." Her tone is hushed as she leans up against a table near by. An old, beat up guitar slung over her shoulder. He stays silent. "Thanks, for the tribute in '11, it was very well done; you're really fucking talented." His eyes widen further. "What cat got you're tongue?" She raises an eyebrow at him. "Oh come now, I'm just a person, you can say hi."


The bell chimes three times, I stop my stretching.

"Lunch?" Bruno inquiries.

"Yeah." I stop stretching and motion for Bruno to follow me into the growing line in the center of the room. It falls in age and extraction order. Bruno stands about six people behind me. With Hench in front of and behind us we are lead down a series of hallways, to the mess hall. 

Outfitted with grey, practically colorless walls and no windows, the mess hall is silent. Aside from the pair of double doors we enter through, there are only two more doors. One that leads to the kitchen, behind the serving counters and another that leads to some small unknown room.

Seated according to age and cell number we are seated, leaving Bruno and I at the same table three seats apart. Not even breathing can be heard though the room is filled with what must be five to six hundred people.

At my table are twenty others including big names in the music industry aside from Bruno; Rihanna scans the room, her eyes taking everything in as she keeps a trained eye on the Hench. Chris Brown leans his arms on the table, head down listening as he often does. Amy told me they both arrived with in days of each other; their joint success must have been too much for 'Them' to handle. Taking the real Rihanna and Chris out of the equation was the perfect way to sabotage their progress as a power couple. Chris lifts his head slightly as Rihanna's eyes dart to him. Then the woman next to me nudges my leg, sliding a tiny slip of paper to me on the table. 

It's rice pilaf and chicken with mixed veg.

I send a thanks back and we wait for our meals. Starting with the table closest to the door, on side of a table at a time is called to line up and take trays as they near the heat tables to be served floor. Afterward they return to their seats and begin eating in silence.


As soon as the lights are off and the main door has screeched shut I get ready. As I have every night since Bruno arrived, I stock my backpack, extra food, med pack, tea, water and the thermos.

He's going to ask questions and as promised, I'm going to answer all that I can.

I pull my hood over my head, my sleeves over my hands and slip my backpack on. Once my door unlocks, I repeat my trek to Bruno's cell. Silently I press the balls of my feet to the cold floor, spreading my toes just enough to hold my balance on my aching ankles. Clenching my jaw directs my attention from the pain as I enter the numerical passcode to open Bruno's door.

Upon entering the room, I can only make out a figure laying on the bed upside down, feet resting on the headboard. I shut the door behind me and walk in further.

"Elinea," he pauses, silence quickly filling the room as though no one spoke. "They brought me a ukulele," Bruno says, his voice raw. He strums once, the un-tuned sound, makes my inner ear twitch.

"They forgot an instrument," I reply putting my backpack along side his bed before I push my hood off. "You play a total of four right?"

"Yeah," he says his voice sounding angry but also disheartened. He sets the ukulele aside and sits upright on his bed. "You said that everyone here was kidnapped and stripped of their talents, how is that possible?"

"I don't know. Somehow "They", The Snatchers invented a machine that is responsible." I take the chair from his desk setting turning it in his direction before I sit down.

"The Snatchers?"

"Yes, that's what they're called. They are they ones who brought you here, scared your throat and bruised your hands and feet."

"I don't get it, what do they get out of this?" 

"Unlimited access to you, your talents, your money. You. With you out of the way your assets are at their disposal."

"But I'm not dead, I'm right here. How can they get in to my accounts without my information. How can I give The Snatchers  what they want if I can't perform?"

"There's more to it than that. They seek to control you and what you offer." 

"How can I offer them anything if they already took from me?"

"Snatchers are greedy, they keep what they've stolen to twist it to their advantage. You're kept here as collateral damage."

"Your not making any sense. What does that shit even mean? How come no one has noticed that I'm gone?"

"It will make sense in time. It's complex, I had the entire thing explained to me. You'll soon understand. You haven't been gone Bruno," I say calmly.


"You've been replaced."

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