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Screeching the main doors closes. My ears perk up, my eyes dart in the direction of my door. Adjusting quickly, the darkness settles; I take a quick survey of my room. Still, the only light comes from the moon, shining through the tiny lofted windows. Rays of white light streak though housing white speaks of dust that dance gracefully through the air.The unmistakable sound of a three pairs of footsteps follows. Two sets walking the other dragging.

A new captive. 

The floor rumbles with the opening of a room a few doors down from mine. I hear a body collide with the bed, a slight moan ensues. The door shuts forcefully, the footprints fading.

The sound dwindles, disintegrating into the silence. I swing my feet out from under the covers pressing them gently against the cold wooden floor. Ignoring the pain in my ankles and the balls of my feet I tread lightly, silently making my way to the foot of my bed. I crouch down, flattening my palms on the wall. My fingertips trace the handle, gripping the edges with my nails. From the small compartment in the wall, I gather a couple bottles of water. I put them in my backpack.

At my touch the keypad lights red as it appears floating over the sole knob-less door of my room. I type in the current password. The date I was taken and today's date, one number from each, alternating until the code is complete. The door slides open, retracting into the wall to the right of me. I peek out. The hallways are empty. An eerie silence hangs and obscured lights above every other door to each room shine dimly onto the concrete floor below. I pull my hood on, pull my sleeves over my hands and venture out into the hall. Each footstep is calculated, being sure to put the entire surface of my foot to the floor, spreading my toes and weight evenly. 

 Touching the door lightly results in the same keypad as my door. For this door the set of numbers should be the same: today's date with the same pattern.This one is young; can't be much older than me. The door opens sliding off to the left, retracting into the wall. As I step in, I touch the door with one finger, closing it soundlessly behind me. I spot a crumpled figure sprawled on the bed, an arm hanging off the edge. I step forward keeping a trained eye on the person. It shifts slightly and groans again. I freeze mid-step, the big toe of my right foot touches the ground. The body grows still; I keep moving.

The moonlight comes through a lofted window to the left in here, I can't see anything but the mere outline of the person on the right. As I near the bed I slowly sit down, watching as the person breathes shallowly. I slip out my tiny flashlight, flip on the dimmest setting, and point it just of f the side of the figure's face. My eyes go wide instantly, it's been a while since they've taken someone so famous. He cringes, his jaw clenches creating ceases on either sides of his mouth followed by two deep dimples. His complexion is a dead give away.

Laying subconsciously before me is superstar...Bruno Mars.

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