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Author's note

Hey people Jazarah here! I SO sorry it's taken me so long to get this chapter out to you. I have had some 'things going on at school that have kept me from finding enough time to crank out chapters for you as quickly as I used to. I'm going to try and keep up my weekly posts the best way I can. :)

Now to change gears...I have a few questions for you guys, just some things I want to get your opinions on for the future of my fan fics. 

1) How am I doing on Larceny? Am I keeping you interested?

2) Should I write a sequel to Larceny?

3) What about Everything Has Changed? Am I keeping you interested? 

4) Should I write a sequel to is as well?

I just want to know what you guys are thinking as far as my works are concerned. You can either comment below, write on my wall or send me a private message; whatever works best for you. :)

As always I absolutely love you guys, preeeciatechu pimps!

Jazarah :D


Watching me out of the corner his eyes Bruno smirks. "What 'chu hesitating for?  Call it!" He whispers his smile growing wider. "What you afraid I might beat you this time?" he teases lightly. I hold his stare until I feel the slightest twitch of a smile a the seam of my lips. 

"Go!" I call. With that we start our set of forty push ups. Converse firmly planted on the floor he completes each in perfect form; his arms hardly shake. We shift into one handed push-ups twenty on one arm, twenty on the other. He's right there with me when we move into sit-ups. We make it through all seven kinds, break and then go right into jumping jacks. Afterward we break again for water. 

"How was that?" Bruno asks, his brown eyes alight with confidence. 

"That was good, really good actually," I take a sip of water. "You can just about keep up with me now." I turn away from him, hiding my laugh in the dark. 

"Almost? Almost! What do you mean almost! I did keep up with you! We finished at the same time and you know it!" 

"I'm kidding," I say giving in. "You did keep up with me." 

"That's what I thought!" He shifts positions resting his arms on his legs. "Hey El," I look at him, running my hand through my hair. 


"Yeah, a nickname, do you mind if I call...you that?" 

"I...don't mind." I manage to get out finding his eyes in the darkness. Their sincere nature quiets the space around us. It seems as though he is going to ask me something but he says nothing, instead he directs his attention down at his hands and then out the window on the far side of the room. The moonlight pours over him in rays, speaks of dust float around his still frame.

"How do you do it?" he asks without looking at me. 

"How do I do what?" 

"Deal with being here." he says his voice is different, almost soft and unsure only a very slight rasp remaining. 

"I don't," I say truthfully. "Everyday I think about what it would be like to get out of there; what it would be like if we could leave." I glance at him for one moment. He pulls his legs closer setting his water bottle down. "I try to keep my thoughts else where on dance, on exercising, anything to keep me from thinking about what has happened here." Surprised at my own words, I sit in the silence waiting for his answer. In sullenness like this I've often felt alone, isolated in my room, by myself even though I know that I can contact Amy or Michael at almost anytime. Right now with Bruno nearby, for the first time in a long time since I've been here, I don't feel alone. Even though he often tries to make light of our situation by keeping his mind focused on exercise or music, I know that he is very much affected by the isolation here. He must feel the way I do in the quiet times he has alone. Without thinking I speak once more. "If there's ever anything you want to talk about, I'm here." Bruno breaks his pattern of stillness and turns to me with a smirk playing at the right side of his mouth. 

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