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Elinea's P.O.V.

With no one in the operating room with me a sense of calm comes over my body and settles my breathing. I close my eyes and focus on my breaths just as my ballet teacher, Ms. Maribel taught me.

Inhale then exhale, try to regulate the amount of breath you take in and the amount you release; focus on the height to which your chest rises and to where it falls.

 I allow my lungs to take in their full capacity, lifting my entire chest before releasing calmly through my nose. My neck and head throb still as open my eyes again, allowing then to adjust to the light. The bright lights reflecting off of the white surfaces of the room takes some time to get used to. The room is utterly spotless, not a thing out of place nor a speck of dirt of any kind is anywhere with in my view.

That doctor, the one with the  green eyes, why did he apologize? The look in his eyes its was different from all the others but there's no reason to assume more. 

Thinking back to everything that happened just before I was taken is slightly blurry but one thing his clear. As long as Bruno followed my instructions he should be alright. Attempting to soothe my mind with this thought is more difficult than I conceived. The stubborn nature that Bruno displayed when Victor and The Hench were coming for me is a new thing that I've seen from him. The look in his eyes almost fooled me into  thinking that he, of all people could protect me in a place like this. His determined voice combined with the hardened look in his eyes nearly persuaded me; I cannot let that happen again. I can't let him get to me like that.

Attempting to move my lips amounts to absolutely nothing, yet again. There's nothing I can do now, all I can do is wait for it all to pass.


Bruno's P.O.V.

How can Michael just sit around and do nothing? How can he not at least try and find out where Elinea is? He has to have some type of contact that gets him all the supplies he shares with us...he has to know someone that knows where she is. 

I inhale on my downs and exhale on my ups, just as El taught me. It's true what she said, you do find things to do after you stay here a while. Rotating through each exercise only gives me something to keep my body focused on but my mind runs wild and I think of her.

El has been helping me from the beginning. In her actions, she is always genuine though she many not be that way in her words. She wants to help me and does all she can to do so but when it comes to making simple conversation, she has trouble; being isolated can do that to you I assume but it seems to be more than that. It like she purposely keeps people at arms length except the people she is really close to, like she has a fear of letting people into her inner circle. I try to make conversation with her but she keeps me out by rerouting or blatantly ignoring my questions. Somewhere beneath her humble bravado and her fearless facade she's must be terrified; completely scared out of her wits. She has to put up what the rest of us do in here plus some and on top of that stubborn disposition of her's she would never say anything even if she needed help. 

I break for water and take out my phone and hit one to speed-dial. "Hello? Michael?"

"Bruno," says calmly. "What is it?"

"We can't just sit here and wait for them to bring El back, we have to do something."

"I know you want to help her; I do too but there's nothing that we can do. In all the years I've been here and even among all the information I gathered, I haven't been able to find out where all of the operations take place. Believe me if I knew I would already have something in the works."

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