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"Here," Michael sets a cellphone in Bruno's palm. "There are three numbers in this. Mine, Amy's and Elinea's. Whenever you see anything unusual or you just want to talk to us send a message. The four of us need to stay close. Make sure it stays on vibrate or silent only."

"Ok." Bruno pushes the phone on his pocket.

"You're going to be a great help."

"I'll do what I can."

Michael smiles and nods. He seems to think something over, the worry lines in his forehead coming together.  "You're Elvis fan right?"

"Yeah, I impersonated him as a kid," Bruno smiles.

"Here." The moonlight catches the object as Michael places it in Bruno's palm. "This was his." 

"The real TCB ring?!" Bruno whispers fiercely, his eyes going wide as his eyebrows rise.

"Yes." Michael says, his voice growing mischievous.

"There's no way I can take this." He gestures to Michael, attempting to return the gift. 

"He would want you to have it. Both the friend that gave it to me and Elvis Presley himself. A talented artist and a die hard fan like you should carry on Elvis' legacy. Go on, put it on." Bruno pushes the ring on to the index finger of his left hand. 

"Thank you." Bruno smiles again, his eyes brilliant by the dim light. 

"Amy, Elinea, it was nice seeing you. Watch and stay close. Bruno, thanks for the help and always TCB."


As soon as the roaming bell sounds Bruno walks out of his room. He has on a black tee-shirt, grey sweatshorts his grey hoodie and worn black converse. He walks to me and begins stretching pulling one arm behind his head as he uses his other hand to press his elbow down. 

"Morning," He says glancing at me from the corner of his eye. 

"Morning." Taking my leg off the bar and hold it behind me undoing my previous stretch. 

"I see you work out everyday but I never see you dance, what's that about?" 

"I'm conditioning." 

"I've been wanting to get into shape for a while but I haven't been able to push myself enough. Can you help me? I don't want to sit in there any longer then I have to." He croaks, rubbing his throat. 

"Stretch your legs, I want to see how many push-ups you can do." I does as I say; he stretches both legs then proceeds to do push-ups after which he stretches his arms again, bending one at a time behind his neck. "Not bad, your form is good. How many sit-ups can you do?" Again he listens completing around thirty sit-ups. "Good. Now stand up straight the stretch your arms up, one at a time while you lean to the side. Stretch until you feel the burn." When he finishes move on to my planks. I take a breather as he lowers himself to the floor. "You need to work on your core first then we'll go from there."

"You know all that from just watching?" he asks. 

"Yeah. With some work you can tone the muscles you already have and build new ones." I glance at him waiting for an answer but instead his demeanor changes.

"You think I'm already muscular?" He smiles the same smile from when I told him my name. He chuckles. "You act so tough all the time. You don't have to be that way."

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