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Author's Note

I'm SO sorry guys! I've been SO busy I haven't had time to post lately. I'm working on a couple of different pieces of you. Some more Larecey, some Everything Has Changed and a little suprise for later. As always I love hearing from you guys my message box and board are always open to you guys. Ask meh anythang! Please read, vote and comment. 

Love you Hoolies, 

~Jazarah :D

_____________________________________________________________________________As my eyes open, the morning light greets them shining in dimly from my window. It is not very sunny today. With some focused squinting I see detect the sun hiding behind the clouds. I climb out bed and walk over to the window sill where I take a seat. Pulling my knees up to my chest I peer out at the city. I notice the wind as it blow among the small trees below; I wonder if it's chilly out today...

I have a small breakfast of oatmeal before I change into my dance shorts, sports bra, leg warmers and slippers. I gather my hair from up in to a high ponytail before creating my usual ballet bun. I pin up the fly-aways from the back of my head then the ones at the front. My mind flashes back to the competition video. 

I turn my TV, flipping through the channels until I find the one dedicated to my Two and her in my life. The competition reporter from the last video is giving commentary. Suddenly I catch a glimpse of Stellan prepared for the stage. He stands straight in his black tights, a loose white tee shirt and his black pointe shoes. The reporter speaks. 

"Stellan Montgomery and his partner, Elinea Rossmore are up next. The dancing power couple is no stranger to this competition, in fact they have won several years in a row and have placed in every competition for the last seven years. Newcomers should be aware of these two, they're not easy to beat." 

Stellan looks off stage for a moment, then returns to his post of just right of the curtain. He peers over his shoulder several times as though he is waiting on something. Moments later, my Two rushes to Stellan's side. She appears disheveled, her point shoes lay on the floor beside her as she adds the last few bobby pints to her bun. Stellan closes his eyes as he inhales and purses his lips as he exhales. He says nothing her before they are called to the stage. 

He walks out ahead and takes a seat in the floor, his back facing the audience. Soon my Two follows talking a seat with her back to Stellan, facing the audience. She looks down. 

The music starts gracefully, the sound of plucking on a violin awakens her body, her arms moving in time as she rolls neck and tilts her head backward. She touches Stellan's shoulder and he pulls way, shaking her hand off and sits still in the same place. She turns to the audience again and stands gracefully creating a circle with one leg as she creates another with her arms over her head; Stellan stands. She completes another move before he joins her. She holds on to the back of his neck and his wrist as he only holds the back of her neck. He lifts her up off the floor and she bends both legs as ninety degrees scissoring them as Stellan spins the two of them around. Her feet touch the floor again and the two step apart. 

She wraps her arms around the front of her body and he comes up behind her bringing her arms outward. He mirrors her movements as though they are one until he guides her to face him, she draw him near. She pushes him and begins to walk away but he pulls her backward; she leans backward over his arm and with that she ends up sitting on his chest her legs hanging off his shoulders.

Stellan and I practiced that move countless times. Soon, we performed it as if it was all we knew. I trusted him with my weight and he held me up, never dropping me once.

She raises both hands, reaching upward before he helps her back down in the same way. Then she's back on her own two feet. The two step apart reaching in opposite directions; he pulls her back to him and brings her into a spin with one arm. They stand back to back and she grabs hold of his waist and lifts her left leg and as he reaches upward. She points her leg straight up, hands it to him and he pulls her up. Her other leg comes around with her left leg stiff, toes pointed. He brings her all the way around to face him and grasps the top of her thigh, holding her up. His other hand holds her foot and she steadies herself by resting her palms on his shoulders. She turns over removing her foot from his grasp as he holds her with one steady arm. She does a full split in mid air. 

The crowd sits on the edges of their seats. they're eyes wide. 

He lets go catching her in his arms. Following that, she wraps her legs around his waist and she holds the back of his neck. She leans back and he spins the two of them, their faces coming close. Stellan lifts her up, she removes her legs from around him and stands on her own feet. She runs her hands along his faces and he holds her waist.

Just close enough to kiss. 

As they come to a close, my Two starts one final leap but falls out of it. Stellan tries to cover it up but the judges don't miss a beat. I see their heads go down almost simultaneously as each jots down a quick note on their papers. I shake my head feeling sorry for Stellan. The judges give their thoughts and Stell along with my Two walk off stage; there's a round of applause. The camera angle changes again and it is as though I am watching from above as Stellan storms to his changing room across the back of the stage. 

"Stell!" my Two calls out jogging after him. I didn't mean to do that I thought I could stick it!" She reaches him just as he reaches the door. He stands silent with his hand on the nob. I see his chest and shoulders rise with a deep breath then turns to her. 

"It's not what we practiced Elinea! It's not what we rehearsed! You know better than anyone not to change choreography at the last minute!"

"But I thought it would get us extra points...if I could just...stick it." 

"Worry about the points we require, not extra ones. I don't know what's gotten into you!"

"Nothing, nothing's gotten into me, I just got nervous we weren't going to make it." She looks down almost as though she is going to cry. Something I would rarely ever do; never at a competition. His eyes stay angry for a moment but they soon soften. He exhales once more. He lifts her chin with his thumb and index finger as he moves in close to her. 

"Look 'Nea, just don't do it again. If there's something you want to change or add at least let me know before we get on stage, ok?" She nods, tears trickling out of her eyes. He kisses her forehead and wipes them away. "I'm sorry, don't cry anymore." He pulls her to him, her head resting on his chest as he proceeds to kiss her on the top of the head. With that the camera cuts out. 

She's slipping, even Stellan is noticing it now. If this continues, I know its going to happen. 

Holding on the visual I feel his arms around me, his head resting on top of mine and I can almost feel his strong warmth and hear the sound of his powerful heart beating in his chest. It's been years since I felt him hold me. Delving deeper into the memory I can almost smell him, the cologne he wears and the point shoe powder he chalks up with. I miss him. I close my eyes and listen for his voice but something else happens . 

My skin begins to crawl as my mind drifts back to my nightmare. Victors fingertips clamor across my skin, attempting to touch every inch of me. Opening my eyes does nothing for my sanity as I see his face looming almost everywhere I look. I rush toward the bathroom. Putting some towels underneath my head I lay along the cold tiles and put my headphones in; with a random song on I try to relax as I count my breaths. 

Not long afterward I check the I notice the bright sunlight streaking through the window. It's almost time for the doors to open. I stand return the towels to their space on the racks and am about to walk back in to my room when my phone vibrates. The illuminated screen shows Bruno's name. 

"Something just came over on the news." he texts. I start to reply but another message arrives. "Something with my doppelganger and Jessica." 

"What is it?" I send back; seconds pass then there's another message.

"He was found drunk arguing with Jessica outside of a club. The media is going crazy." 

"Is she alright?" 

"Yeah but she's not talking to him. She's not going home with him either, she's staying at a friends place." 

"I'm sorry Bruno." 

"This motherfucker is ruining my life." 

"I know. Mine is too. The amount of "me" she contains is getting low. They may come for me sooner than I thought."

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