21: Litost

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*Callum Martin's P.O.V.*

Litost: regret and remorse and repentance; a state of agony and torment, or sorrow said to be "created by the sudden sight of one's own misery.


As soon as the words pass my lips and her eyes focus on me, I know she understands what I said. She looks perfectly helpless, laying on the gurney unable to move. I know that she can't move but something inside of me wants her to leap off the table and escape. I know all too well what happens during Second Extractions. I was only on the receiving end but that isn't any consolation to the pain. I told no one but I felt Jesse's pain as well as my own during each surgery. 

I turn away from Elinea finish up my report on her current state. Gathering the stack of papers in front of me, I check stand and walk to the chart over the sink and check off the first box. I place my clipboard in to the drawer beneath the heart rate monitor and close the drawer. I walk towards the door, where Victor is waiting with his hands crossed behind his back. The glass door slides away; I walk into the outer room. Victor steps to me. 

"How is she doing?" He asks, his accent not as thick as before. 

"She's stable," I reply removing my mask and gloves. "And she is awake. Her vitals are good despite the shock they received from The Doctor's outburst." 

"Good. We cannot let anything like that happen again. If we lost her," He pauses and his eyebrows come together." "Slater, would be very, very vexed. As was said before, she is the best Progenitor we've ever had." 

"I know Sir, I will try to speak to The Doctor." 

"Very well." Victor cross the room and exits to the left. I continue removing my scrubs until the only clothing I'm wearing is a pair of black dress pants, a light blue button down shirt and black sneakers. I walk the length of the inner corridors following the familiar path to my bedroom; a simple space with a full sized bed, a desk and chair, book shelf, a dresser, a closet and a small bathroom. I stretch and lay down on my bed with the book I was reading last night. Just as I find the last page that I read, I hear a knock at the door. 

"Come in." I sit up on my bed. 

"Oh good, you've just finished checking on her. How is she?"

"She's doing well. She's awake now. She can only control the function of her eyes as stated in your notes."

"Is she preped for surgery?"


"Good going little brother," Thantos says patting me on the shoulder. "Just as I thought, you're going to be a fine doctor. Someday you will replace me but until then you will be my ever so talented sidekick."

"Victor is still not pleased with the way you handled the situation. He said that if we were to lose her Slater would be very angry considering her potential." 

"Don't worry about it. Like I said before, she may be the best Progenitor but you, little bother, are the best Syncopant. Slater and The Furtum will be satisfied one way or another I will make sure of that."

Eventhough Thantos assures me that everything is going to be alright I can't help but think that that's not the case.


Bruno's P.O.V.

I hear the door shut with a quiet mechanical click. I press my ear to the door waiting until complete silence greets my ears. I exhale my chest feeling as though and even bigger weight has settled upon it. I walk from the closed bathroom door to the sink and peer into the mirror. Placing my hands on either side of the basin and peer into the mirror.

I need to tell Amy and Michael. 

Cautiously I step out of the bathroom and walk to the main door. After waiting a few extra minutes I enter Elinea's code, once to open the door and again to close it. Taking solace in the shadows, I flatten myself against the wall and make my way to my room. I enter my code and lock the door behind me once I'm inside. I take my phone out of my pocket and type out two identical texts. 

Not much time passes before Michael and Amy show up both look equally concerned, Michael even more so with worry-lines etched in his forehead. Amy looks more angry, her eyes a focused and her jaw is clenched. Michael steps forward first but Amy speaks before he can breaking the solemn silence.

"What happened?" Amy's voice shakes with the first word but she manages to steady herself.

"We were in her room working out as we do every night," I start sitting on my bed. I spread my legs, hunching over as I clasp my hands together. "Just as we were finishing up, we heard footsteps in the hallway. In talking before tonight, she told me about Second Extractions and in explaining everything, she mentioned that one may be done on her." 

Michael finally speaks, his voice unsure, coated in disbelief. "There's no reason to perform one on her, there hasn't been a Second Extraction at his location in years, way before even my time. They couldn't have." 

"It's what she told me," I shift in my seat. "I promised I would protect her, I told her that I wouldn't let them take her...and they did." 

"She has a voice that makes people listen," Michael says. "Despite the fact that you many disagree with what she says, she makes her decisions and intentions clear." 

"She's so fucking stubborn. I can't understand why that girl needs to shoulder everything herself when she has people to help her." 

"So what are we going to do? You have to know where they've taken her." I look at Michael for an answer but he shakes his head. 

"I don't know where they have taken her, or why. All we can do is wait until they bring her back, that's the only thing we can be sure of."

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