43. Kairos

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Hey Hoolies, sorry for the slight delay. Read, vote and please, please comment! I wanna hear what you guys think, what you think might happen next,  just your over all thoughts and or just reactions and comments. I love interacting with you guys. Thanks for the support, 


p.s. Here's the long-awaited-next chapter of Larceny!  


Karios: (n) the perfect, delicate, crucial moment; the fleeting rightness of time and place that creates the opportune time and atmosphere for action, words or movement; also weather.



Sitting on the floor, I put my legs together with my toes pointed. I reach forward and grab my toes, holding on to them as I stretch my back. My feet feel a little less achy today, they actually feel a lot better than they have in a long time. I wish my muscle memory would kick in so that I can perfect these moves like I used to.

The nightmares unlike the bruises haven't faded away; pale marks left as reminders and invisible hand-prints on my skin that may never disappear; like physical scars, they will remain for a time and there's nothing I can do to change that. I close my eyes and find myself smiling. The thought of Bruno's arms around me--his warmth--the sound of his voice, low almost raspy as he sang each lyric...

I shake the memory away and pull the ribbons holding my point shoes to my feet and legs and I slowly slip my feet out of them. To my surprise, the bruises on my ankles too, have faded to to a barely noticeable yellow. I pick up my point shoes by the ribbons to put them in my closet when I hear footsteps. I push my self off the floor making my way to the door. Once I put in my code the door slides away revealing Bruno, in yet another fedora. He holds the rim of the hat as he strolls in leaning to one side.

"Whatcha' think of my new lid?" he inquires, one of his deep brown eyes peering out from beneath the brim.

I look in to the hall and then re-enter my code to lock my door. I walk over to my closet and hang my pointe shoes. "It's nice,"I smirk then I close my closet doors and resume my stretches.

"All thanks to standard issue!" he chuckles softly keeping in line with the volume of my voice.

"Michael hooked you up didn't he," I say.

"Yeah," he says strolling over to my bed. He sits down, the full moon shines against the darkness of outside and the dim light inside. I glance at him for a second, admiring his silhouette against the wall behind him, created by my small lamp. He really has come a long way in terms of dealing with this situation that we're in. His frame has grown smaller than it was and more muscular in a toning sense of the word. His shape, the way his collarbone spreads his shoulders, how his shoulders make way for his arms and the contours of his chest put on display by his slim fit button down...if I were an artist I would long to draw him...to watch my lines form his...he's beautifully sculpted. My breathing hitches and struggle for a moment before I can catch my breath. Against their will, I tare my eyes away.

I straddle, slowly lowering my torso to the floor until I am laying flat on my stomach. I crawl my hands out forward as much as I can before I walk my hands back in. I go for my legs stretch as far as I can until I feel the burn in my back. Bruno sits silently, peering out the window, a look of longing in his focused glossy brown eyes. He seems to be consumed in thought as the full moon stares back at him, in the purest white I've ever seen. Part of me wants to call out to him and ask him if there's something wrong but I tuck this thought away.

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