I'll Be Back

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~~~~~Kyle's POV~~~~~

I heard what sounded like a body hit the ground. I almost shot up off the couch when I saw Meghan walk into my family room. I got up, running to where I last knew Johnnie was, not liking what I saw when I got there. I stopped in front of the door, staring at the unconscious body of my boyfriend. I picked him up bridal style and ran to my room, laying him on the bed, walking out of the room and locking the door as I did. I walked back into the family room to find Meghan sitting on the couch, seemingly waiting for me. "What the f*ck did you do?" I asked through gritted teeth.

She just looked up at me and said, "I want you back, Kye." I cringed at the nickname and looked at her, telling her I wanted an actual answer and not some cryptic, lunatic sentence. "I want you back. So that why I came here. To get you back." She explained, acting like knocking out my boyfriend was nothing.

"Well, 1: You're crazy. 2: I'm dating Johnnie. And 3: I'm dating Johnnie. I love him, whereas with you, I despise you." I said, glaring at her, imagining if my state could kill her. "Leave." I said.

To my surprise, she got up, walking to the door, and pausing at the threshold. "I'll leave now, but I'll be back. I promise you'll be mine again, Kyle." She said, looking at me, a disgusting look of lust in her eyes. I told her to go once more, and she walked out of the house, closing the door behind her. I locked the door and returned to Johnnie to find he was waking up.

I ran over to him, sitting on the edge of the bed, grasping his hand in mine. "Are you okay, baby? In so sorry taut happened to you. I should've gone with you, or gone myself. I didn't expect that and-"

"Hey." Johnnie said gently. "I'm okay. I've just got a little headache. And it's not your fault. You couldn't have foreseen that. Neither of us could've." He said, pulling me into a hug to comfort me. "What happened after she knocked me out?" He asked.

"Well, she walked into the family room and I got up to see if you were okay." I said. "I saw you on the floor, unconscious and picked you up and brought you in here. I walked back out to the family room and she was sitting in the couch. I asked her why she was here and all she said was that she wanted me. I told her to leave, and she did. But not before saying she'd be back." I explained.

"That b*tch." Johnnie muttered.

"Tell me about it." I agreed. "I'm kinda worn out." I said. "Do you wanna go to sleep early?" I asked my lovely boyfriend.

"Yeah." He said, smiling at me. He laid down and scooted back to make room for me. I got under the covers with him and pulled him close. I kept my arms wrapped around him as if he would disappear. He buried his head in my chest and fell asleep fairly quickly.

Although, I couldn't get to sleep as easily. I laid in bed, thinking about what Meghan said.

"I'll leave now, but I'll be back. I promise you'll be mine again, Kyle."

For some reason, the words made me feel uneasy. There wasn't anything she could do about my relationship with Johnnie. Right? Yeah. She can't do anything. I love him and I'm fairly certain he loves me, too.

"I promise you'll be mine again, Kyle..."

Hey guys. Sorry it's been so long since I've updated this fanfic. This is sort of a filler chapter until I update again. I started two other fanfics, and I kinda like writing them better. But I figured since more people seem to like this fanfic, I'd keep writing it. That and I'm kinda proud of it for having 2.6k views.

Anyways, idk when I'll update this again, but yeah.

Stay strong,  be you, and love yourself.💫

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