Happy Ending

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~~~~~Johnnie's POV~~~~~

It's been almost two years since the incident with Meghan, and she hasn't showed up again like she said she would. Honestly, I'm kind of surprised because of what she said, and how much it scared me.

Me and Kyle have been dating for almost 3 years now. I'm glad that we stayed together after everything we've been through. Both of us.

About a year ago, we moved into a new apartment, and got a Husky. I really like dogs, so I talked to Kyle and begged him to get me a dog. He said no, but when I came home from my job at Barnes & Noble one day, I was jumped upon by a cute little grey and white Husky. We ended up naming her Snow. Even though she is mostly grey, we settled on the name Snow. She's so energetic and adorable. She's grown quite a bit since we first got her. She's about to turn 2. We got her when she was almost a year old. And let me say, I am so glad we got her. I love her so much.

Kyle got a job at a HotTopic 30 minutes away from our apartment, so it takes him a while to get home after work. I usually get off work around 3, and he doesn't get home until 5:30. And if he stops to get food, he's not home until 6. Which sucks.

Right now, I'm sitting on the couch, watching the last episode of season 1 of iZombie. I never thought I'd like the show, but I was bored and watched an episode, and before I knew it, I was half way through the season, and it was 3 am.

"WHAT?!" I gasped. "LIV WHY?! BUT- HE DOESNT DESERVE THAT!!! YOU DO!!" I screamed.

~~~~~Kyle's POV~~~~~

As I walked into the door I heard my boyfriend crying and yelling things like "NO LIV WHAT?!" and "OH NO WHY?!"

"Babe, I'm home!" I yelled as I walked into the kitchen. I set down my car keys, and took off my jacket. I walked into the living room to see Johnnie curled up in a ball, wrapped up in a blanket, whispering things to himself. The TV screen was black, there were Cheese Puff crumbs on the floor, and there were empty and of Diet Coke everywhere, and Snow was laying on the floor at the end of the couch. "Babe," I started, laughing a bit. "Are you okay?"

He looked up at me and started crying. I walked over to him, chuckling, and wrapped my arms around him. "What happened now?"

"Liv gave t-the cure t-to M-Major, a-and I can't f-function right n-now." He said, tears falling down his beautiful cheeks.

"Aw, baby. It's okay. I'm here. Please don't cry." I said, attempting to comfort him. Over the past few months, Johnnie has kinda become obsessed with marathoning shows on Netflix, and this is what happens when a series ends, or the next season isn't on Netflix yet. "I'm here."

I kept rubbing circles on his back until he calmed down. We eventually ordered some pizza, ate it, and we're now watching Supernatural. Johnnie had his head on my chest, and my arm was wrapped around his shoulders. There was a blanket over us, and it was comfortable. I was starting to get a little tired. "Babe," I started, looking over at Johnnie only to find him fast asleep, Snow asleep on the other side of him. I chuckled and kissed his forehead, not bothering to wake him up and tell him to go to the actual bed. I, myself, didn't even get up to change. I stayed here with my beloved boyfriend, and soon fell asleep, myself.

Hey guys! I actually got some kind of inspiration (mostly boredom and the need to feel accomplished) to finish this story! I really hope you guys enjoyed it, and I'm sorry it took so long for me to complete it. I didn't have much inspiration. I really hope everyone enjoyed this because this is my first ever completed story on Wattpad.

I hope you guys enjoyed it! Check out my other fanfics and stories, too, please!! I love you all!! Thank you for reading this!!

Stay strong, be you, and love yourself.💫

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