Note 14-Later in life

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India 🌺 🍃 (2 Nights later in California)

"I really thought he was the one Jenny, I just don't even know how to forget it, maybe love ain't for me, cause I can't seem to find the right man" I sniffed as I took a sip of my Hennessy.

"That's not true, you just keep settling for less boo." She rubbed her growing belly and smiled.

For some reason a spite of jealousy came over me, looking at her in her pregnant condition made me feel some type of way. They both got another woman pregnant, when they knew I wanted to have thier children.

I straight faced her while talking a swig of my alcohol beverage. "I'm not good enough, that's why they didn't want me to have thier children."

"You are good enough girl, they just stupid. Come on, stop beating yourself up."

My phone begin ringing, for probably the twentieth time. I looked at the caller identification and of course it was Aiden.

"Maybe-- maybe he does love me....we should talk it out." I cried "its happening again, I can't get over this"

She conviscated the phone, and pressed ignore, then her two thumb fingers kept traveling againts the screen.

"I blocked his number, don't you dare run back to him. Especially this soon , if you let him exsplain, he's just gonna cheat again and allow you to look like a damn fool. Change your number and stay in Cali, you need to be worried about you and Jeremiah right now anyway"

"He said that I loved me" I broke down and she laid my head on her shoulder.

"Don't nobody love me, they always fuck up, don't nobody love me!"

11 Months Later.

I looked online for buildings on sale, I'm trying to achieve my own designer warehouse and a botique as well, the two million that I received went towards a luxury condo for Jeremiah and I, and I also put him in private school and he takes piano lessons, the rest is being saved and i'm just stackinh up. Being a mother is hard but such a blessing!

I feel like I'm a little too over protective when it comes to him and spoil him too much but he's my baby, it's been six years, he deserves the best.

"Mom?" Jeremiah came into my art room with his dog Chimpy and they both posted up at my desk

"Yes baby?" I asked as I looked up from my computer.

"Can I play my video game now?"

"Did you do all of your homework?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Did you practice on the piano for twenty minutes?"

"Mom, that's what piano practice is for."

I raised my eyebrow and bit on my lip, giving him a deadly glare.

"I appoligize ma'am."

"Go ahead and play the game, only for an hour or so though, we're going out to eat tonight."


He left out the room and I decided to draw something, I opened the drawer to my desk and pulled my old sketch book.

A few minutes by and I flipped through the pages, embracing my art.

April 12th 2013

April 12th 2013

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