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When I was little I had a best friend named Vanessa. I was 6 years old when her family moved away and I thought the world was ending. I am now 16, going on 17, and I'm gonna see Vanessa for the first time in 10 years.

"I still can't believe this is happening!" My mom said to me, a huge smile on her face. "After all these years..."

I ran my fingers through my hair and smiled at my mom. I've never seen her get so excited about something.

"Vanessa is gonna be so surprised to see you!"

I gulped. "Yeah, I bet."

My mom must have picked up on my sarcasm because she furrowed her brows for a second, but she chose not to ask about it. I looked out the window and watched buildings and cars blur by as we passed them. It's been 10 years...I don't know Vanessa anymore and she doesn't know me. What if we're just too different? What if she thinks the attention I get from YouNow is weird and she'd rather not associate with me?

Once upon a time we were best friends, but time changes things.

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