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The hour car ride wasn't that bad, because I was wide awake and refreshed, and since Juwany's mom was taking us home, I had Juwany as company.

Our mom's talked to eachother up front and Juwany and I sat in the very back row of the truck.

"Seriously? You don't have an Instagram? Are you just lying cuz you don't want me to follow you?" Geo asked me.

"I'm not lying. I don't have one."

"Why not?"

I shrugged and hoped he'd just let it go. There's some things I'm not quite ready to talk about.

"So what's up with you?" I asked. "What are you up to nowadays?"

"Oh nothing." He said, nonchalantly. "Just chillin'"

"Hmm. Ok." I said. "Well um...I like your hair."

"Thank you. I like yours too."

I laughed at his complement. His hair was highlighted and styled, mine is the same dark brown I was born with and it was pulled back into a boring ponytail.

I smiled anyways and said "Thanks."

"We should exchange numbers." He suggested. "So we can talk." He handed me his phone, but hesitated for a second before letting fall into my palm. " I want us to be close again."

"Me too." I agreed and typed my number into his contacts.

Since my dad was in the military we moved around a lot, so I've learned that home isn't a building with walls and a roof; home is people. When I look at Geo I feel like I'm home.

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