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Vanessa's only been in school for two weeks now, but she already has projects. She texted me when she was about done with a group project, so my mom dropped me off at her house.

"Yeah, I'll see ya Monday. Thanks." I heard Vanessa say.

I turned the corner to enter the kitched and my eyes nearly fell out of my head.

"David." I said.

"Aye! Juwany what's up bro!?"

He tried to hug me and I nearly drop kicked him.

"Get the fvck away from me man. We aren't friends. I thought the right hook I gave you, made that quite clear."

"Oops." He put his hands up to surrender. "Calm down man. I didn't know you knew each other." He picked up his backpack and hung it over his shoulder. "No frikin way! Is this your boyfriend?" He asked Vanessa.

"Yes." She answered, then she looked at me with guilt in her eyes.

"WOW! What a small world. Well see ya Monday Vanessa." He hugged her, just to piss me off, and it worked.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" I warned him.

"Wany it's ok." Vanessa said.

"Awww." David layed his hand on my shoulder as he walked by. "Yeah Wany it's ok. It's just a friendly little hug."

The thought of him even breathing the same air as Vanessa made me nautious. He slammed the door on his way out and I stood with my fists clenched at my sides. I could feel my body temperature rising, I never did get to beat him up the way I wanted to. I took one step toward the door and Vanessa's hands grabbed my shoulders.

My muscles relaxed and I started breathing again. I can't be aggressive around Vanessa ever again. That night I yelled at her in the elevator on tour, I thought I'd lost her forever.

Vanessa touched my cheek and spoke calmly. "Juwany leave him alone. He isn't worth it."

"I know." I said, between a clenched jaw.

"Relax. Please. Can you smile for me? Pleeease."

I laughed and shook my head.

"You're such a weirdo." I smiled.

"Maybe. But I got you to relax now didn't I?"

"True." I confessed.

She kissed my cheek and I grabbed her hands. "Gimme a kiss."

She blushed and nodded, before giving me a kiss.

I wrapped my arm around her waist and kissed her cheek. "Thank you. Princess."

I walked over to the kitchen table and grabbed her text book and backpack, volunteering to carry it upstairs for her.

"Juwany I didn't know THAT was the David that Taylor cheated with."

"I know baby. It's ok. And I know this project was for school...but can you just not work with him anymore if possible? I cut him out of my life a long time ago, and I really don't want him around you."

She nodded and we climbed the stairs to her room. "We won't work together anymore. But...Wany you know I'd never do that right? I'd never cheat on you with David, or anyone else."

I put her purple backpack down on the floor beside her closet, where she usually puts it, and layed her English text book on her dresser.

"I know. I trust you Nessa. I don't trust HIM. Especially now that he knows he has the power to upset me just by talking to you."

I bit my lip before continuing, because I was so scared to say it out loud.

"I care about you a lot Nessa. More than I've ever cared about a girl. I don't want us to have any drama. Taylor and David are nothing but drama, I promise. Both of them are my past, but you are my future. I don't wanna mix the two."

She smiled the biggest I've ever seen her smile. "Ok Juwany."

"Ok Nessa." I replied.

I kissed her for a few seconds and then we went downstairs to eat.

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