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It was 1 am when Juwany knocked on Cat and I's door. We were up watching Gossip Girl on Netflix.

"Woah. I'm shocked you guys are still awake. Uh, Vanessa I have a question."

"Ok." I said. "Ask me."

He came into the room and sat on the floor next to me.

"I'm live right now. And everyone wants to see you, do you mind coming on broadcast?"

I gulped and looked over at Cat, she was nodding her head yes. "Go!"

"Um. Ok." I told Juwany.

"If you don't want to you don't have to." He assured me.

I stood up and waited for him to do the same. "No...I want to. Come on."

"Ok, then here we go." He smiled. We walked across the hall to his room.

His laptop rested on a small wooden table where the room phone was.

"Hey." Julian waved at me.

I waved back at him. "Hi Julian."

Juwany grabbed the laptop and sat on the carpet, with his back resting against the bed. I dropped down next to him and sat how he did, with my legs stretched out in front of me.
I looked at the screen and wasn't quite in the frame yet.

"Comment a 1 if you're ready to meet my girlfriend!"

I watched the chat fill with 1s, I saw a 4, but all the 1s over powered it. Juwany smiled and angled the laptop so we both could be seen.

I smiled and waved. "Hi guys."

Juwany knew I was scared, so he grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers. I felt calmer as soon as he did it.

"How are you guys?" I asked the screen.

Not so good because of you
I'm great, how are you?

"I'm good, Flaming underscore Jade. Thanks for asking." I said happily.

Your hair is life!!!!

"Awww thank you 99MariaSquad. I just recently dyed it."

Without meaning to, I yawned.

"Sorry." I said.

"Alright guys, Nessa's getting sleepy."

Good...she can go
No! Stay please!
Goodnight Vanessa
Will she be on tomorrow's broadcast?

"If you guys want me to pop back up tomorrow, and Juwany is ok with it, I will. Otherwise, no."

"Babe of course you can." Juwany laughed.

"Alright, goodnight guys. Thanks for having me."

I stood up, waved goodbye to Julian, and went back to my room.

"How was it?" Cat asked.

"Not that bad actually. Most people were nice to me."

"Good, that's good. I'm tired, you ready for bed?"


I turned off the light and got in bed. "Goodnight Cat."

"Goodnight Vanessa."

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