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Cat told me that Vanessa wasn't coming to the show and I couldn't be upset; I hurt her and now she doesn't wanna see me. But when we get back to the hotel I WILL fix everything.

"Geo, you ok?" Julian asked me, right as we were about to go on stage.

"Yeah, I'm good." I lied.

When you do events like this where people are watching you and wanting to meet you, you HAVE TO put personal stuff aside. Your fans only deserve to meet you when you're happy and able to make them feel loved. So I knew I had to put Vanessa at the back of my mind for the time being.

When the show ended, my mind went right back to Vanessa. Cat told me that she started crying after what happened in the elevator and...trying to picture Nessa crying is like picturing a fairy crying...heartbreaking. I got into the van ready to get back to the hotel.

"I'm gonna fix things with Vanessa." I said, sort of to everyone in the car. "And then we're all gonna be ok again."

"Yeah!" Jovani replied.

"Uh...Papa." My mom said. She looked sad and I was confused.

"Mom trust me, I can fix it."

"I believe you. But...baby Vanessa's gone, she went back home with her mom. She said you promised if she wasn't having fun she could leave on the Miami date."

"Well, yeah! But I, I have to fix it! We can drive to her house and I'll fix it and she'll come back."

"Sweetie you know we can't. As soon as we get to the hotel we have to get our things and head to the airport. We can't risk missing the flight."


"No. Juwany, we can't I'm sorry. You already missed the Massachusetts date on the last tour when you got sick. You can't do it again."

I nodded my head and the car was quiet. Then I saw Cat wipe her eye and sniffle.

"I thought we were friends. She didn't even tell me she was leaving." Cat told us.

"Her mom said she didn't decide until this afternoon." Mrs. Jara said.

The car was quiet again and it stayed that way for the rest of the ride. This couldn't be the end; not again. When we got to the hotel I rushed to take a shower and pack my things. Then I called Vanessa 1 time... twice... three times while everyone else got ready to go.

"Still no answer bro?" Jovani asked, drying his hair with a towel.

"Nothing." I sighed.

"Damn...well we gotta go."


I tucked my phone into my pocket and grabbed my suitcase. I guess that's it.

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