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My mom and Vanessa's went downstairs to eat breakfast and I didn't wanna leave Nessa alone, so despite my grumbling stomach, I stayed behind.

"Good morning." Vanessa said, sitting up in the bed.

"Good morning. Uh, our mom's are in the lobby having breakfast, we didn't wanna wake you."

"Ok." She yawned and stretched her arms. "I'm just gonna take a shower and brush my teeth first. Do you mind waiting for me?"

"Not at all." I told her.

"Ok, I won't be long!"

She grabbed some stuff from her suitcase and went into the bathroom. I sat back in a big couch chair and put my headphones in to listen to music. I refused to do any serious thinking, I just wanted to fill my head with lyrics I already knew and no thoughts about whether or not a friendship was redeveloping.

About 20 minutes later Vanessa walked out of the bathroom in black skinny jeans and a white crop top. Her wavy hair was still wet and sleeked back into a ponytail. I watched her put on socks and then a pair of sneakers. When I was little I always told my mom about how pretty Vanessa was, and after ten years I think flawless is a better adjective to describe her. Her teeth are perfectly straight, her skin is acne free, and her arms are toned, so I know she works out, but her curves are a reminder of her femininity.

"Ok! To the lobby!" She said happily, jumping to her feet. "I'm starving."

"Me too." I laughed.

We walked to the elevator and I avoided the temptation to grab her hand. I have to be careful, we aren't children anymore so different actions have different meanings. The doors closed behind us and Vanessa sighed.

"So...is it always gonna be this hot here?"

I shrugged. "In the summer it's a little worse, but yeah, pretty much."

"Oh. Awesome." She said sarcastically.

"The beaches are great though." I said, defending Florida.

She laughed lightly and shook her head. "Beaches never appealed to me." She looked down at her shoes and then up at me. "I'm still afraid of the water."

"What!?" My eyes widened. "After all these years!? Still!?" I couldn't help it, I started laughing. When the elevator doors opened Vanessa quickly walked out, but I was still laughing for several seconds before I could move.

"What's going on here?" My mom asked when I reached her.

"Same old Juwany. Laughing at things that aren't funny." Vanessa answered, with a roll of her eyes. She sat down on a couch across from our moms and I sat next to her.

"I'm sorry, but THAT is funny."

"Juwany knock it off." My mom said, giving me a dirty look.

"Sorry." I sighed.

"The breakfast bar is over there and it's only open for a few more minutes. You guys should eat so we can get going." Said Ms.Romero.

"Yes ma'am."

I stood up and walked to the breakfast bar, Vanessa followed close behind me.

"You're a jerk." Vanessa mumbled, reaching for a chicken biscuit.

"Nuh uh. You're just too sensitive. Just like when we were young."

She furrowed her brows and scrunched up her face, it was adorable.

"Nuh uh!" She argued and stuck her tongue out at me.

I stuck my tongue out back at her and the man behind the counter laughed.

"Sorry sir." I told him. "My good friend here is just acting like a big baby."

I walked away with a smirk on my face and food on my plate; the day was going good so far.

Vanessa and I listened to our moms catching up and we ate without talking. Both of us were too hungry to stop chewing long enough for conversation.

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