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To celebrate our last day together, Juwany wanted to take me on a romantic date, but I told him I just wanted a relaxed day with everyone. So we all went to Clearwater beach for a few hours.

"It's gonna be so weird coming home and...Cat not being in her room." Mario said.

"Ha! I knew you were gonna miss me! You said you wouldn't!" Cat cheered.

I looked over at my mom, who was too busy talking with Mrs. Jara to have heard Mario and Cat.

I'm scared of leaving my mom. She's my hero and my bestfriend, and she also gets lonely very easily. With my dad gone...and me moving out, I know things are gonna be hard for her for a while. I told her if she moved to LA then I wouldn't be required to live on campus, but she wouldn't agree to it. My dad always wanted to live in Miami, my mom had to stay in Miami.

For at least an hour we all played volleyball and laughed at how badly we sucked. The day wasn't about Cat and I leaving, it was just another day, a day to have fun together. At this point I feel like the POMS fam includes Cat and myself. If anything bad happened to anyone in our circle, I'd be crushed. Even everyone's parents are people I trust and look up to. Moving to Florida was the best choice my dad could have ever made.

After volleyball, we sat around a bonfire reliving memories we had together and I leaned on Juwany's shoulder.

"Wany." I said quietly into his ear.

"Yes princess?"

"I know you were gonna come to the airport anyways, but will you just sleep over tonight?"

"Of course."

"Thank you."

He pulled away to make eye contact with me.

"Vanessa you know that I love you right?"

"Yes." I laughed. "I know."

"Good. Gimme a kiss."

I shook my head. "Wany... everyone is here."

"Please. Pretty please. I just want ONE. Please."

I glanced around the circle and no one was looking at us. I wrapped one arm around Juwany's neck and kissed him. When we broke away, the only person whose eyes met mine were Cat's. She just smiled and then looked away.

I took a deep breath and didn't feel anxious anymore. PDA isn't my thing, but I think Juwany really needed that kiss. I know he's just as sad as me for what awaits us. In just a few hours, Cat and I will be on a flight to LA.

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