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To celebrate Cat and I graduating from UCLA, we decided to spend the day at Disney. It's so crazy to see how we've all grown up so fast. Cat and I started college at 18 and we're both 22 now.

The first year was hard, sometimes I saw Juwany for holidays, and sometimes I didn't because he'd be touring. But we made things work as best as we could. There were a lot of nights that I cried because I missed him so much, but when we started dating I knew what I signed up for. Through the good AND bad times, I love Juwany and I don't want anyone else.

"Ooh! I need a picture of my girls in front of the castle." My mom said.

Cat and I were wearing matching outfits and our graduation caps on our heads. Today is also Juwany and I's 4 year anniversary, but I didn't blame him for forgetting; he's been busy.

"Ok!" Cat said happily.

We stood next to eachother and smiled at my mom, and then at her mom. Each of them had a camera of their own. The guys then joined us for another picture. Mario has a girlfriend whom he's been with for a year, Julian just started dating a "Goonie" and Jovani is still on the hunt.

We spent the day mostly taking pictures, but we did ride a few rides. We went back to our hotel rooms to shower and get dressed up. Later that night there were going to be fireworks by the Disney castle and Cat and I really wanted to go. I wore a navy blue, backless dress with my hair curled, and put on some black strappy heels. I admit we were over dressed to see fireworks, but for some reason my mom insisted we dress fancy.

"You look beautiful." Juwany told me.


We walked out of the lobby and all of us followed a crowd of people to the firework show. The sky was filled with different colors and types, the finale came too soon. There was a moment where the sky was clear and everything was quiet. People started walking away, but Cat didn't, so I didn't move either.

And then. In the starry sky exploded more fireworks. They were red and spelled out Marry Me ? I smiled from ear to ear. How sweet, someone was being proposed to! I looked around, but my eyes stopped on Juwany. With his hair sleeked back, and in his black suit, he was down on his knee, holding out his hand to me. I gasped and quickly went to him, tears already in my eyes. Being propsed to at Disney was a childhood dream of mine, probably one that I once told Juwany about. All I wanted to do was yell "Yes!", but it seemed only fair to let him talk first

"Vanessa Meilani Romero. You've have been my best friend for so long, and my girlfriend for 4 years today. There is no one else in this world I'd rather spend my life with. Will you please, make today the most meaningful day of my life, and marry me?"

"Yes! Yes!"

He pulled out a velvet blue box with a beautiful ring inside and slid it onto my finger. Screw PDA! I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him for a long time. Strangers cheered and whistled, and I felt like I was dreaming.

"I love you." Juwany said to me.

"I know. And I love you too."

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