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Yesterday was the best birthday yet. I got to spend it with my best friends, and also, my dog Rambo is at the house now, that was a great surprise.

When I woke up, once again everyone was asleep except Vanessa, and she wasn't in bed. I put on a pair of black swim trunks and walked outside.

Immediately, I went to the hammock, but she wasn't there. I looked out to see her standing right out of the oceans reach, the water only inches from her toes.

"Good morning." I smiled.

She didn't look at me, she kept her eyes on the horizon.

"I'm so scared. I'm always so scared and I feel stupid."

"You aren't stupid. Everyone has fears." I said.

"But I don't wanna be afraid anymore. Not of this."

"Hold my hand." I told her.

Without moving her eyes she slid her fingers between the spaces of my hand. I walked forward towards the water and now she was looking at me.

"Wany...I can't."

"Yes you can."

"I can't."

I tightened my hold on her hand and nodded my head. "Nessa. You can."

We walked slowly into the water and stopped when the water was at our knees. She broke eye contact and looked down at the water.

"I'm scared Juwany. I'm really scared."

She gulped and I squeezed her hand to make her look at me.

"Do you trust me?"

She gulped again. "Yes."

I let go of her hand and stepped close to her, placing my hands on her waist.

"You're ok. I'm right here, you're safe. Ok?"

"Ok." She nodded.

Her eyes locked on mine and I smiled.

"See. You're alive. You're ok."

I pressed the palm of my right hand against her cheek and leaned towards her until our lips touched. It was a little awkard, afterall she'd never kissed anyone before. But I still pulled away smiling.

"You're ok." I said quietly, pressing my forhead against hers so that the tips of our noses touched.

"I'm ok." She repeated.

"Wanna go back now?" I asked.

"Yes please."

"It's ok. Baby steps. You did good."

She started blusing and then so did I. "Not the kiss! I was talking about you getting in the water!"

"Sure." She laughed.

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