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It was like waking up to a nightmare when Vanessa's alarm went off. She's really leaving.

The car ride was quiet. Lance drove Me, Vanessa, Cat, Mario, and our moms to the airport, Benji came too. When we pulled up in front of the all glass building, Vance got out of the car and hugged Cat and Vanessa.

"Good luck girls. I know you'll be great."

"Thanks." Cat said.

Vanessa nodded her head. "Thank you for being a good driver and not getting any of us killed Vance."

"Thank you for always wearing your seatbelt."

"My pleasure." Vanessa smiled.

When we walked into the airport I immediately felt the temperature change. It was so cold inside, it was freezing, actually. Our moms went up to the main desk and the four of us sat in the waiting area. Mario was hugging Cat who started crying, and Vanessa was staring blankly at the carpet.

"Nessa. You ok?" I asked.

She shook her head. "No. I'm scared. I'm leaving you, and my mom. I'm gonna be on my own. I'm so scared."

When I spoke it sounded so desperate, but I didn't care
"Then hold my hand."

Vanessa filled the spaces between my fingers with her own, and took a deep breath. I watched three tears roll quickly down her face and fall onto her lap.

"Juwany. Please watch out for my mom. And Benji."

Benji was laying in the chair next to Vanessa's, curled up against her side.

"I will." I promised her. "We'll see you soon babe. So soon that you'll be surprised at how quickly time passed."

She nodded her head, but avoided eye contact. She didn't believe me.

"I wish my mom would come with me." She said, sadly.

"Your mom is strong. Just like you. She can handle this, just like you and Cat can."

Vanessa gulped and squeezed her eyes shut. "Just promise me one thing."


"If your feelings for me go away, just tell me. It's ok, but I'll wanna know."

I put my palm against her damp cheek. "Nessa. Look at me."

She hesitated, took a deep breath, turned her head, and opened her eyes.

"Nothing is going to change ok? I will love you tomorrow and the next day, and 5 months from now, and 5 years from now. Ok?"


I wrapped my arms around her and she started crying harder when their flight was called to board. I got one last kiss and then she went to hug Mario's mom, my mom, and lastly, her own. I wanted to cry so bad, but I couldn't do it in front of her, I had to at least wait till we were in the car.

"Wait!" I said, just as they startes walking away.

I whispered in Mario's ear and then we both took off the hoodies we had on. I gave mine to Vanessa and Mario gave his to his sister. We got one more hug, and then we watched our other halves walk away.

The moment we got into the car it was a big cry fest. The only ones not crying were Vance and Benji. We held each other and spoke no words the entire ride. We are all family, and we will all get through this; together.

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