Chapter 21 - One Door Closes Another Opens

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Chapter Twenty-One - One Door Closes, Another Opens

"So, you're leaving." Tommy broke the silence that had followed Megan's news.

"Yeah." Was all she could say.

"Do you know where your going?" Tommy was still trying to wrap his head around it.

"No, I didn't wait around to find out." All Tommy could do was nod his head and squeeze Megan tighter in their embrace.

As the night went on Tommy and Megan stayed together, their embrace only getting tighter.

"I don't know if I can let you go." Tommy looked down at Megan as he whispered in her ear.

The tears that she had held in for so long were finally spilling out and over her cheeks, turning them bright red to match the red rings around her eyes.

Megan slowly gained control and inbetween her deep breathes she whispered back. "I don't want you to let me go."

The night came too quickly and soon enough they were engulfed in darkness.

Once again, like every night, they walked home.

The difference was that this walk was in silence, Megan felt like she was taking the walk of shame.

As they got to the end of Megan's street Tommy quickly kissed the top of her head and walked off in the direction of his place, without turning around, leaving Megan standing where he had left her in awe.

* * * * *

It was 6:15 when Megan was woken up by a text message.

She had barely gotten any sleep due to her stressing over Tommy.

Why had he walked off without saying anything? Was he mad at her for leaving? Did he not care?

She slowly opened her eyes to reach for her phone.

She dropped it twice, from the bright light blinding her before she finally read the text.

Meet me at the park at 7:30!

A smile spread across Megan's face as she jumped out of bed and started getting ready. Walking over to her drawers she chose to wear a black tank top, dark red shorts that were the same colour as her hair over black stockings and her combat boots.

After straightening her hair and grabbing her school bag she went downstairs.

Megan had yet to get used to the calm of C&D's orphanage.  It was so different having a house made for 15 plus people with only six, really five since Donald usually stayed out most nights.

After grabbing an apple and some money for lunch Megan left. Looking at her phone she saw that it was 7:15.

7:25, Megan was sitting on the blrachers at the park. It was completely deserted at this time of the morning except for the occasional dog walker or jogger.

7:30, there was still no sign of Tommy. The minutes were passing too slow for Megan and soon enough it was 7:40. Megan was about to get up and make her way to school when she noticed a stray soccer ball on the bleachers at the other side of the park. Making her way towards it she noticed a note pinned to the ball.

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