Chapter 4 - Love Birds

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Chapter Four - Love Birds

When Megan arrived at her school Athena was waiting for her at the front gate and Chris was with her, they were talking but Megan couldn't quite hear what they were saying until she was a couple of meters away.

"Yeah, I would love to go on a date how about we meet at the benches on the soccer field after my try-outs and we can go and grab dinner at the local diner. They have the best burgers around." Athena was babbling on as she did when she got nervous around a guy that she was going to go out with.

"Cool, see you then. Maybe I could even watch the try-outs if thats alright with you" replied Chris, he seemed so much more timid then he had on the bus.

"Oh absolutely, that would be wonderful! I'll see you there. Bye." Chris turned around and walked into the school, as he left Athena's eyes found Megan who had been standing behind Chris.

"Megan Watson! There you are, you took forever. Are you ok? You looked a little upset on the bus. Wait hang on, what was that about? That should be my first question, you were acting crazy." Athena gave Megan a look that meant she was not dodging these questions even if she begged.

"Yes, I am fine and no I am not upset, like I said I wanted some fresh air. Also I was not acting crazy, he wanted to ask you out and I couldn't be bothered with constantly being bugged by him so I left. Anyway that's not important, he asked you out, and you said yes. Do you want help doing your hair after try-outs?" Megan was good at thinking on the spot and was happy to change the subject while still answering her best friends questions.

"Sure you can help" responded Athena almost immediately, apparently satisfied with Megan's answer. "We better head in. The bells about to go" as the girls stepped through the gates the bell rang out.

Both girls started running to homeroom so they weren't late.

"Thank you for joining us ladies" Mr. Leoman welcomed the two girls as they rushed into homeroom huffing and panting from the run up three flights of stairs to arrive in homeroom. "Please take your seats and do try to catch your breath. Now as I was saying, we are having an excursion next Friday to the AIS. Yes Samantha?" Sam had risen her hand at the back of the class.

"What does the AIS stand for and what is it?" Sam had never heard of it before.

"AIS stand for the Australian Institute of Sport and it is a sports training facility right here in Canberra. It helps people learn more about how to play different sports and make them into elite athletes, some of the people that go there have become olympic competitors. Going on you will then complete an essay on the a sport of your choice. It will need visuals, minimum two pages long and if any additional footage or extra information are available please share. It will be due two weeks from Friday this week." just as he had finished the bell for first period rang. "Ok have a nice day and don't forget to pick-up a permission notice."

Athena and Megan grabbed a note, shoved it in their locker and got ready for maths and art which were their two first subjects for the day. Then followed by french and lastly extended english for Megan and drama for Athena.

"Hey" during maths Athena had leant over her desk to tell Megan something.

"Don't look now but Tommy is looking at you" when Athena had finished talking Megan counted to ten and then turned to look at the back of the classroom and sure enough Tommy was looking directly at her.

She turned around quickly accidentally flicking her her hair into her eyes.

Then for the rest of the lesson tried to stop herself from looking over her shoulder to where sure enough. Tommy was staring at her.

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