Chapter 1 - New Kid

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Chapter One - New Kid

Megan woke with a start. Her alarm clock buzzing next to her head. She slowly got out of bed and looked at where Jessica should have been.

She wasn't there but her school uniform was neatly laid out on the bed. She must have gone for a run Megan thought. Then she made her way down the hall to the bathroom.

Once in a blue moon there is no line for the toilet and this was that moon. She quickly slipped in before anyone else could get in front of her.

She had a shower, brushed her teeth and dyed her hair. Her new blue and red stripped hair was plastered down her back from the shower so she gave up on styling it. Today it hung straight down.

She walked back to the door and by now there were 4 people lined up outside.

"Jeez, how long do you take?" It was Jacob. The oldest orphan here. He was 17 and in his last year of school, he had been here ever since he could remember and was leaving in 2 months time when he turned 18.

"It's called hygiene!" bantered Megan easily, "You should try it some time. Anyway I'm out and your in so stop complaining!"

She walked back to her room and changed into a pair of blue faded skinny jeans and a black T-shirt with silver studs on the back. When she turned to look at the clock she was shocked to see that it was already 7:38.

"Crap! The bus will be here in 2!" She jumped out of the closet, grabbed her brown leather satchel and sprinted down the stairs. Just as she reached the front door it burst open. In came Jessica red-faced and sweaty.

"Damn it. I can't believe the bus is almost here I'm not even ready" she seemed to be talking to no one in particular even though there were 14 eyes on her. Megan didn't have time for this. She rushed past her and out the door.

Just as she got to the curb the bus pulled up. Oh thank god she thought, maybe this day is going to turn out alright.

On her way to school on the bus she was joined by her best friend Athena Pretige, getting flicked by her hot pink ponytail as she slid into the seat next to her.

Megan was just finishing counting her lunch money when she looked up and saw that someone was standing over the 2 of them.

"Is there something we can help you with?" asked Athena in an impatient tone.

"Yeah there is!" answered the guy. Megan hadn't seen him before and from the look on Athena's face, neither had she. "I want to sit here. So get up!" we look at each other wide eyed in amazement. Who did he think he was?

"Um, sorry...." started Megan until she realised that the whole of the football team were standing behind this guy waiting patiently but obviously eavesdropping. Athena took Megan's silence as intimidation and butted in.

"But we were here first! So you can move along because this is a big bus and these aren't the only seats" the boy looked as if he was going to blow a fuse but at that moment the bus driver had yelled out everyone to sit down so he walked away.

"OMG was that guy hot or what?" asked Athena though Megan wasn't paying attention. She was too busy avoiding eye contact with her long time crush, captain of the football team and of course Guinevere's boyfriend....Tommy Wesley.

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