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Kyle's POV

Watching Johnnie walk off to his bunk after saying that he's feeling a little sick and just wants to go to sleep, kinda gets me thinking that there's something that he's not telling me, and even the fact that he threw up earlier has me worried, considering it's not the first time I've found him throwing up.

I know he's been throwing up every morning of this week, I just thought it was a small stomach bug and that it'll go away by the end of the week, but it hasn't so that's why earlier is the first time I actually have gone into the bathroom to check on him.

Honestly, I have no idea what could be wrong with him, and I'm not sure if he really knows what's wrong either. Whatever is wrong though, I really want to find out as soon as I can. Cause you never know, there could be something really wrong, and he just doesn't know how to tell me, or doesn't want to tell me.

Sighing, I sit back on the couch and just look through my news feed on Instagram. Nothing interesting was going on, though there was a photo that Vic Fuentes of Pierce The Veil had posted up. Something about his daughter Kelly's first birthday, but unfortunately this day also holds sadness for him, that I'm pretty sure he'll never be able to forget.

Eventually, I get up and go off down to my bunk, checking on Johnnie as I do so. I smile to myself as I see him fast asleep in his bunk, and I pull his blanket over him and tuck him in, before drawing his curtain.

I climb onto my bunk afterwards and just lay there, staring up at the ceiling. I honestly have no idea what could possibly be wrong with Johnnie, and I just hope it's nothing serious, but who am I kidding? It probably will be something serious, just to make our lives and relationship difficult.

Even though I'm hoping that there's nothing seriously wrong, and he's just a little under the weather and that he'll hopefully get better by next week, I also know that it probably won't be something easily taken care of, like a simple stomach bug would be.

Whatever it is, I just hope we can make it through it all, and everything turns out fine in the end.


The next morning, I don't find Johnnie throwing up in the bus bathroom, instead I find him still sound asleep in his bunk, but even though he's asleep, something still felt off about him, not to mention he look's slightly more pale than usual, and he doesn't look as skinny as he usually is. Well, that part could be from the fact that he seems to be trying to eat a bit more, but still. Something definitely isn't right about any of this.

Leaving him to sleep, I walk over to the front of the bus, and get something to eat. There isn't really much to eat, but we've got a day off today before the first Warped date tomorrow, so I suspect we'll probably go out to Walmart to get some food later today.

(Forgive me if I've put the wrong store, I'm just a simple person from New Zealand trying to write about Americans, and I have no clue if Walmart is a store you buy food from ~ Candy)

Sitting down at the small table by the window, I eat my cereal slowly, while watching out the window. We were now currently at the place for the first date of Warped tour, and it seems that the YouTuber's bus isn't that far from the Pierce The Veil bus, as I can only just see see Vic walking out of the bus with his daughter Kelly, and his girlfriend Danielle.

Something that I don't quite understand, but am not really that bothered by, is why exactly that YouTuber's are brought out to Warped Tour, when Warped is really about the music, not people filming themselves for YouTube, who don't even do anything at Warped but do meet and greets.

It must seem a little strange for me - a YouTuber on Warped - to be thinking about something like that, but I still don't quite understand the need for us to be here. I guess it's more understandable for Bryan to be here to do interviews with the bands here, but honestly, when was the last time that he actually interviewed a band? All he does now is film silly videos for the collab YouTube channel My Digital Escape, with Johnnie, Jordan Sweeto, Alex Dorame, Shannon Taylor, Jeydon Wale, and I.

I really shouldn't be thinking this of a friend of mine to be completely honest, but I just can't help but think this at times, and I have to admit that Bryan does try a little too hard to fit in more with the rest of us.

I'm drawn out of my thoughts, as I notice Johnnie walking over to me, before sitting down next to me, resting his head on my shoulder as I wrap an arm round his waist.

"You okay?" I ask, concern lacing my voice as I watch him carefully.

He nods, but doesn't say anything, just sits there next to me, with his arms wrapped around his stomach, and he really doesn't look very good right now.

"You sure?" I ask. "Cause you really don't look like you're okay."

He nods again. "I'm fine, Kyle." He sighs, moving a little closer to me. "There's nothing to worry about."

Somehow I don't believe a word that he's saying, and I don't think he really does either, but I don't say anything else on the matter, and doubt he would say anything anyway, so I just drop the subject, and the both of us just sit together at the small table.

Though all the while, I keep a close eye on Johnnie, cause something is definitely not right. What exactly it is though, I have absolutely no idea.

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