Chapter 11: Counting Cars

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As he trails after me, my pace quickens, praying that he won't catch up. By the time I know it, his beautiful face shows up right beside me, forcing me to look at him twice. I snap my attention off of him, trying to distract myself, I count the cars flying by.

"I took what you said under consideration, I know where your coming from," as he says this, I stop, raising my eyebrows at him. He knows nothing.

He huffs, "but I'm worried about what your hiding from me," he admits, as I continue to walk.

"You don't need to worry, you don't even have to be in my life Caleb," I inform sharply.

"Lily, I don't understand how you cannot get this through your head. I want to worry about you, I want to be in your life, I want you to be in my life, I want you," I roll my eyes at him. He grabs my arms and pulls me closer, in one swift motion. As he looks down at me, his breath hits my forehead, forming an ecstatic shiver down my spine. "I don't know why you keep on saying you're messed up, or why you don't think I will understand, or why you're not giving me a chance. The only thing I know is that you've changed me, since the day that I meet you, I've been contemplating what will happen between us. I imagine a beautiful life with you, but Lily, you make it extremely difficult for a guy to dream. I don't expect you to open up straight away, you can definitely take your time, I just want you to experience stuff with me and hopefully we can go from there. I don't care if you end up liking me or not, I just want you to try and make this work. We have to at least try and make this work because if we don't, I will regret it for the rest of my life. I don't want to be that guy that nags you, or embarrasses you, or annoys you. I want to be the guy that is perfect for you, that cherishes you, that makes you feel special because I believe that you are. This speech must sound to good to be true, but I promise you every word is true and I am going to try my hardest to help you and love you," I tremble at the sudden contact, his soft lips touch mine and I gasp quickly before he kisses me. The warm touch of his careful hands are caressing my face and his tongue swirls gently through my mouth. This incredible tinkling sensation sets in, making me shake with nervousness. Both of his hands lay upon either cheek and gradually wrap around my waist. I finally respond to his action, by slowly wrapping my arms around his neck, adjusting to the unfamiliar motion. Caleb is nothing like Tyler, he is passionate and gentle at the same time.

I am still entirely shocked about how quickly things escalated, but I am to overwhelmed with happiness. This felt different, new, amazing. There is no one else surrounding us, nothing near us, it has been blocked out, by the hope that this moment will last forever. The intense kiss distracts us and makes us feel like the only humans in the world. Sadly we eventually have to come to the realisation that fairy tales don't exist and times like these are not able to be forever, even if they are promised for eternity.

He pulls away softly biting my lip and brushing my hair behind my ear. Both out of breath, we gaze into each other's eyes in awe. I cannot tell what he is thinking and he can probably not tell what I'm thinking. We are breathless, confused, baffled, terrified and obviously impatient.

My heart rate slows down, I clear my throat and as I'm about to look down to the ground, he tilts my head back up with his pointer finger, smiling lightly. He intertwines our hands and I notice the bulging veins scattered across his arms that cover his biceps. I am unsure of what to say, I don't want to ruin the moment and so I stay silent. We start to stroll down the path, "are you ok? Was that alright to do? I didn't even warn you and you probably didn't even want me to kiss you. Maybe I should of tried to resist you for one more day, damn it! I'm so sorry, Lily," Caleb blabbers on, question after question. Concerned about how I feel, he is so sweet, with the way he freaks out and over analyses the situation.

I squeeze his hand tighter, "I'm fine, I think it was quite a good decision from you. To be honest Caleb, I've been wanting you to kiss me for days," I admit.

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