Chapter 16: Regret

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This song gave me the feels while writing this chapter: I hate you I love you- by gnash (feat. Olivia O'Brien)

"Come on Lily!" Ruby yells from down the hallway, "we're going to be late!".

"I'm coming," I announce, putting my shoes on, after getting prepared for the night ahead.

Once we both exit the building together, my body starts to shake with uncontrollable hesitation. "What's wrong now?" Ruby asks, slightly annoyed by my stupidness.

"Nothing," I inform her, mumbling. She glares into my eyes, forcing my next words to give her a truthful answer. "Fine... What happens if Caleb's there?" I ask, extremely nervous about the thought of bumping into him. The atmosphere was always so awkward around us now a days, but we never see each other out of school anymore. This is a sudden step, I'm not willing to take.

"Stop over analysing things Lily. He's probably not going to be there, but if he is, who cares?" She shrugs, unfathomed by my expression.

The modern theatre comes into view, as we turn around the dodgy corner. I come to the realisation that everything is so close in town, there isn't any effort. It's unusual. Everything was so far; out of reach, where I was not long ago. If we lived here Tyler might've let me go out a little. Who am I kidding? That's a stupid assumption Lily. It would've taken wrecking balls to take down that devilish predator, holding me hostage in that house; that jail.

"I care," I inform her sharply, pressing my pointer finger to my chest.

"Why are you freaking out?" she asks, becoming curious. She stops her feet from moving, and raises her eyebrows.

"Because I'm worried about making a fool of myself, saying the wrong thing if he comes up to me, even..."

"you need to relax Lily," Ruby cuts me off. She takes my shoulder, soothingly repeating the word breathe. I obey, understanding that it was the best option in this situation.


"See, no Caleb!" she cheers walking towards Natalie and I, with the bucket of delicious popcorn in her hand.

"Can you officially start relaxing now?" Natalie asks, with a fake grin.

"I guess" I grin slightly, still extremely nervous, playing the constant possibilities in my head. I continuously shove my hand in the bucket of popcorn, and stuff a handful in my mouth.

Ruby, Natalie and I walk through the doors of the cinema, ready to watch daddy's home. We lightly travel up the stairs, to our assigned seats, as the previews play. All gasping at the sight of Caleb, and it's just my 'lucky day' when I find out that he is sitting in the spot right next to my seat. I turn to Ruby and Natalie who stand behind me absolutely baffled, I cry for help. They both shrug there shoulders; not wanting to be the one out of all three of us to get stuck by Caleb's side all night.

As I sit down beside him, he glances at me, realising it was me by the second glance. He chokes on his popcorn, covering it up with a cough. I glance over myself, blushing at his scared eyes still staring at me. Ruby nudges me with disapproval, "Stay strong."

After a few other previews the movie is about to begin, but I am interrupted by an extremely silent whisper. "Why were you ever with me, if all along you loved my brother?" Caleb asks.

"Caleb, I do not love your brother," I chuckle lightly, making sure he's convinced right away.

"Why were you," he pauses, "holding hands with him the other day?"

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